Cloud modules
- aws_acm_facts - Retrieve certificate facts from AWS Certificate Manager service
- aws_api_gateway - Manage AWS API Gateway APIs
- aws_application_scaling_policy - Manage Application Auto Scaling Scaling Policies
- aws_az_facts - Gather facts about availability zones in AWS.
- aws_batch_compute_environment - Manage AWS Batch Compute Environments
- aws_batch_job_definition - Manage AWS Batch Job Definitions
- aws_batch_job_queue - Manage AWS Batch Job Queues
- aws_caller_facts - Get facts about the user and account being used to make AWS calls.
- aws_config_aggregation_authorization - Manage cross-account AWS Config authorizations
- aws_config_aggregator - Manage AWS Config aggregations across multiple accounts
- aws_config_delivery_channel - Manage AWS Config delivery channels
- aws_config_recorder - Manage AWS Config Recorders
- aws_config_rule - Manage AWS Config resources
- aws_direct_connect_connection - Creates, deletes, modifies a DirectConnect connection
- aws_direct_connect_gateway - Manage AWS Direct Connect Gateway.
- aws_direct_connect_link_aggregation_group - Manage Direct Connect LAG bundles.
- aws_direct_connect_virtual_interface - Manage Direct Connect virtual interfaces.
- aws_elasticbeanstalk_app - create, update, and delete an elastic beanstalk application
- aws_glue_connection - Manage an AWS Glue connection
- aws_glue_job - Manage an AWS Glue job
- aws_inspector_target - Create, Update and Delete Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets
- aws_kms - Perform various KMS management tasks.
- aws_kms_facts - Gather facts about AWS KMS keys
- aws_region_facts - Gather facts about AWS regions.
- aws_s3 - manage objects in S3.
- aws_s3_bucket_facts - Lists S3 buckets in AWS
- aws_s3_cors - Manage CORS for S3 buckets in AWS
- aws_ses_identity - Manages SES email and domain identity
- aws_ses_identity_policy - Manages SES sending authorization policies
- aws_sgw_facts - Fetch AWS Storage Gateway facts
- aws_ssm_parameter_store - Manage key-value pairs in aws parameter store.
- aws_waf_condition - create and delete WAF Conditions
- aws_waf_facts - Retrieve facts for WAF ACLs, Rule , Conditions and Filters.
- aws_waf_rule - create and delete WAF Rules
- aws_waf_web_acl - create and delete WAF Web ACLs
- cloudformation - Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
- cloudformation_facts - Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFormation stack
- cloudfront_distribution - create, update and delete aws cloudfront distributions.
- cloudfront_facts - Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFront distribution
- cloudfront_invalidation - create invalidations for aws cloudfront distributions
- cloudfront_origin_access_identity - create, update and delete origin access identities for a cloudfront distribution.
- cloudtrail - manage CloudTrail create, delete, update
- cloudwatchevent_rule - Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets
- cloudwatchlogs_log_group - create or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs
- cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts - get facts about log_group in CloudWatchLogs
- data_pipeline - Create and manage AWS Datapipelines
- dynamodb_table - Create, update or delete AWS Dynamo DB tables.
- dynamodb_ttl - set TTL for a given DynamoDB table.
- ec2 - create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2
- ec2_ami - create or destroy an image in ec2
- ec2_ami_copy - copies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id
- ec2_ami_facts - Gather facts about ec2 AMIs
- ec2_ami_find - Searches for AMIs to obtain the AMI ID and other information (D)
- ec2_ami_search - Retrieve AWS AMI information for a given operating system. (D)
- ec2_asg - Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Groups
- ec2_asg_facts - Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS
- ec2_asg_lifecycle_hook - Create, delete or update AWS ASG Lifecycle Hooks.
- ec2_customer_gateway - Manage an AWS customer gateway
- ec2_customer_gateway_facts - Gather facts about customer gateways in AWS
- ec2_eip - manages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses.
- ec2_eip_facts - List EC2 EIP details
- ec2_elb - De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
- ec2_elb_facts - Gather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
- ec2_elb_lb - Creates or destroys Amazon ELB.
- ec2_eni - Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance
- ec2_eni_facts - Gather facts about ec2 ENI interfaces in AWS
- ec2_group - maintain an ec2 VPC security group.
- ec2_group_facts - Gather facts about ec2 security groups in AWS.
- ec2_instance - Create & manage EC2 instances
- ec2_instance_facts - Gather facts about ec2 instances in AWS
- ec2_key - create or delete an ec2 key pair
- ec2_lc - Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
- ec2_lc_facts - Gather facts about AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
- ec2_lc_find - Find AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
- ec2_metadata_facts - Gathers facts (instance metadata) about remote hosts within ec2
- ec2_metric_alarm - Create/update or delete AWS Cloudwatch ‘metric alarms’
- ec2_placement_group - Create or delete an EC2 Placement Group
- ec2_placement_group_facts - List EC2 Placement Group(s) details
- ec2_remote_facts - Gather facts about ec2 instances in AWS (D)
- ec2_scaling_policy - Create or delete AWS scaling policies for Autoscaling groups
- ec2_snapshot - creates a snapshot from an existing volume
- ec2_snapshot_copy - copies an EC2 snapshot and returns the new Snapshot ID.
- ec2_snapshot_facts - Gather facts about ec2 volume snapshots in AWS
- ec2_tag - create and remove tag(s) to ec2 resources.
- ec2_vol - create and attach a volume, return volume id and device map
- ec2_vol_facts - Gather facts about ec2 volumes in AWS
- ec2_vpc - configure AWS virtual private clouds (D)
- ec2_vpc_dhcp_option - Manages DHCP Options, and can ensure the DHCP options for the given VPC match what’s requested
- ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_facts - Gather facts about dhcp options sets in AWS
- ec2_vpc_egress_igw - Manage an AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway
- ec2_vpc_endpoint - Create and delete AWS VPC Endpoints.
- ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts - Retrieves AWS VPC endpoints details using AWS methods.
- ec2_vpc_igw - Manage an AWS VPC Internet gateway
- ec2_vpc_igw_facts - Gather facts about internet gateways in AWS
- ec2_vpc_nacl - create and delete Network ACLs.
- ec2_vpc_nacl_facts - Gather facts about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC
- ec2_vpc_nat_gateway - Manage AWS VPC NAT Gateways.
- ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts - Retrieves AWS VPC Managed Nat Gateway details using AWS methods.
- ec2_vpc_net - Configure AWS virtual private clouds
- ec2_vpc_net_facts - Gather facts about ec2 VPCs in AWS
- ec2_vpc_peer - create, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs.
- ec2_vpc_peering_facts - Retrieves AWS VPC Peering details using AWS methods.
- ec2_vpc_route_table - Manage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds
- ec2_vpc_route_table_facts - Gather facts about ec2 VPC route tables in AWS
- ec2_vpc_subnet - Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds
- ec2_vpc_subnet_facts - Gather facts about ec2 VPC subnets in AWS
- ec2_vpc_vgw - Create and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways.
- ec2_vpc_vgw_facts - Gather facts about virtual gateways in AWS
- ec2_vpc_vpn - Create, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections.
- ec2_vpc_vpn_facts - Gather facts about VPN Connections in AWS.
- ec2_win_password - gets the default administrator password for ec2 windows instances
- ecs_attribute - manage ecs attributes
- ecs_cluster - create or terminate ecs clusters
- ecs_ecr - Manage Elastic Container Registry repositories
- ecs_service - create, terminate, start or stop a service in ecs
- ecs_service_facts - list or describe services in ecs
- ecs_task - run, start or stop a task in ecs
- ecs_taskdefinition - register a task definition in ecs
- ecs_taskdefinition_facts - describe a task definition in ecs
- efs - create and maintain EFS file systems
- efs_facts - Get information about Amazon EFS file systems
- elasticache - Manage cache clusters in Amazon Elasticache.
- elasticache_facts - Retrieve facts for AWS Elasticache clusters
- elasticache_parameter_group - Manage cache security groups in Amazon Elasticache.
- elasticache_snapshot - Manage cache snapshots in Amazon Elasticache.
- elasticache_subnet_group - manage Elasticache subnet groups
- elb_application_lb - Manage an Application load balancer
- elb_application_lb_facts - Gather facts about application ELBs in AWS
- elb_classic_lb - Creates or destroys Amazon ELB.
- elb_classic_lb_facts - Gather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
- elb_instance - De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
- elb_network_lb - Manage a Network Load Balancer
- elb_target - Manage a target in a target group
- elb_target_group - Manage a target group for an Application or Network load balancer
- elb_target_group_facts - Gather facts about ELB target groups in AWS
- execute_lambda - Execute an AWS Lambda function
- iam - Manage IAM users, groups, roles and keys
- iam_cert - Manage server certificates for use on ELBs and CloudFront
- iam_group - Manage AWS IAM groups
- iam_managed_policy - Manage User Managed IAM policies
- iam_mfa_device_facts - List the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user
- iam_policy - Manage IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
- iam_role - Manage AWS IAM roles
- iam_role_facts - Gather information on IAM roles
- iam_server_certificate_facts - Retrieve the facts of a server certificate
- iam_user - Manage AWS IAM users
- kinesis_stream - Manage a Kinesis Stream.
- lambda - Manage AWS Lambda functions
- lambda_alias - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases.
- lambda_event - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings.
- lambda_facts - Gathers AWS Lambda function details as Ansible facts
- lambda_policy - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda policy statements.
- lightsail - Create or delete a virtual machine instance in AWS Lightsail
- rds - create, delete, or modify an Amazon rds instance
- rds_instance_facts - obtain facts about one or more RDS instances
- rds_param_group - manage RDS parameter groups
- rds_snapshot_facts - obtain facts about one or more RDS snapshots
- rds_subnet_group - manage RDS database subnet groups
- redshift - create, delete, or modify an Amazon Redshift instance
- redshift_facts - Gather facts about Redshift cluster(s)
- redshift_subnet_group - manage Redshift cluster subnet groups
- route53 - add or delete entries in Amazons Route53 DNS service
- route53_facts - Retrieves route53 details using AWS methods
- route53_health_check - add or delete health-checks in Amazons Route53 DNS service
- route53_zone - add or delete Route53 zones
- s3_bucket - Manage S3 buckets in AWS, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3
- s3_lifecycle - Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS
- s3_logging - Manage logging facility of an s3 bucket in AWS
- s3_sync - Efficiently upload multiple files to S3
- s3_website - Configure an s3 bucket as a website
- sns - Send Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) messages
- sns_topic - Manages AWS SNS topics and subscriptions
- sqs_queue - Creates or deletes AWS SQS queues.
- sts_assume_role - Assume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials
- sts_session_token - Obtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service
- atomic_container - Manage the containers on the atomic host platform
- atomic_host - Manage the atomic host platform
- atomic_image - Manage the container images on the atomic host platform
- azure - create or terminate a virtual machine in azure (D)
- azure_rm_acs - Manage an Azure Container Service Instance (ACS).
- azure_rm_aks - Manage a managed Azure Container Service (AKS) Instance.
- azure_rm_aks_facts - Get Azure Kubernetes Service facts.
- azure_rm_availabilityset - Manage Azure availability set.
- azure_rm_availabilityset_facts - Get availability set facts.
- azure_rm_containerinstance - Manage an Azure Container Instance.
- azure_rm_containerregistry - Manage an Azure Container Registry.
- azure_rm_deployment - Create or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments
- azure_rm_dnsrecordset - Create, delete and update DNS record sets and records.
- azure_rm_dnsrecordset_facts - Get DNS Record Set facts.
- azure_rm_dnszone - Manage Azure DNS zones.
- azure_rm_dnszone_facts - Get DNS zone facts.
- azure_rm_functionapp - Manage Azure Function Apps
- azure_rm_functionapp_facts - Get Azure Function App facts
- azure_rm_image - Manage Azure image.
- azure_rm_keyvault - Manage Key Vault instance.
- azure_rm_keyvaultkey - Use Azure KeyVault keys.
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret - Use Azure KeyVault Secrets.
- azure_rm_loadbalancer - Manage Azure load balancers.
- azure_rm_loadbalancer_facts - Get load balancer facts.
- azure_rm_managed_disk - Manage Azure Manage Disks
- azure_rm_managed_disk_facts - Get managed disk facts.
- azure_rm_mysqldatabase - Manage MySQL Database instance.
- azure_rm_mysqlserver - Manage MySQL Server instance.
- azure_rm_networkinterface - Manage Azure network interfaces.
- azure_rm_networkinterface_facts - Get network interface facts.
- azure_rm_postgresqldatabase - Manage PostgreSQL Database instance.
- azure_rm_postgresqlserver - Manage PostgreSQL Server instance.
- azure_rm_publicipaddress - Manage Azure Public IP Addresses.
- azure_rm_publicipaddress_facts - Get public IP facts.
- azure_rm_resource - Create any Azure resource.
- azure_rm_resource_facts - Generic facts of Azure resources.
- azure_rm_resourcegroup - Manage Azure resource groups.
- azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts - Get resource group facts.
- azure_rm_securitygroup - Manage Azure network security groups.
- azure_rm_securitygroup_facts - Get security group facts.
- azure_rm_sqldatabase - Manage SQL Database instance.
- azure_rm_sqlserver - Manage SQL Server instance
- azure_rm_sqlserver_facts - Get SQL Server facts.
- azure_rm_storageaccount - Manage Azure storage accounts.
- azure_rm_storageaccount_facts - Get storage account facts.
- azure_rm_storageblob - Manage blob containers and blob objects.
- azure_rm_subnet - Manage Azure subnets.
- azure_rm_virtualmachine - Manage Azure virtual machines.
- azure_rm_virtualmachine_extension - Managed Azure Virtual Machine extension
- azure_rm_virtualmachine_scaleset - Manage Azure virtual machine scale sets.
- azure_rm_virtualmachine_scaleset_facts - Get Virtual Machine Scale Set facts
- azure_rm_virtualmachineimage_facts - Get virtual machine image facts.
- azure_rm_virtualnetwork - Manage Azure virtual networks.
- azure_rm_virtualnetwork_facts - Get virtual network facts.
- clc_aa_policy - Create or Delete Anti Affinity Policies at CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_alert_policy - Create or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_blueprint_package - deploys a blue print package on a set of servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_firewall_policy - Create/delete/update firewall policies
- clc_group - Create/delete Server Groups at Centurylink Cloud
- clc_loadbalancer - Create, Delete shared loadbalancers in CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_modify_server - modify servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_publicip - Add and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_server - Create, Delete, Start and Stop servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
- clc_server_snapshot - Create, Delete and Restore server snapshots in CenturyLink Cloud.
- cloudscale_floating_ip - Manages floating IPs on the IaaS service
- cloudscale_server - Manages servers on the IaaS service
- cs_account - Manages accounts on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_affinitygroup - Manages affinity groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_cluster - Manages host clusters on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_configuration - Manages configuration on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_domain - Manages domains on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_facts - Gather facts on instances of Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_firewall - Manages firewall rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_host - Manages hosts on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_instance - Manages instances and virtual machines on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_instance_facts - Gathering facts from the API of instances from Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_instance_nic - Manages NICs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_instance_nic_secondaryip - Manages secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_instancegroup - Manages instance groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_ip_address - Manages public IP address associations on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_iso - Manages ISO images on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_loadbalancer_rule - Manages load balancer rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_loadbalancer_rule_member - Manages load balancer rule members on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_network - Manages networks on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_network_acl - Manages network access control lists (ACL) on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_network_acl_rule - Manages network access control list (ACL) rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_network_offering - Manages network offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_nic - Manages NICs and secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds (D)
- cs_pod - Manages pods on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_portforward - Manages port forwarding rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_project - Manages projects on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_region - Manages regions on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_resourcelimit - Manages resource limits on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_role - Manages user roles on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_role_permission - Manages role permissions on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_router - Manages routers on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_securitygroup - Manages security groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_securitygroup_rule - Manages security group rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_service_offering - Manages service offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_snapshot_policy - Manages volume snapshot policies on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_sshkeypair - Manages SSH keys on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_staticnat - Manages static NATs on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_storage_pool - Manages Primary Storage Pools on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_template - Manages templates on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_user - Manages users on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vmsnapshot - Manages VM snapshots on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_volume - Manages volumes on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vpc - Manages VPCs on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vpc_offering - Manages vpc offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vpn_connection - Manages site-to-site VPN connections on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vpn_customer_gateway - Manages site-to-site VPN customer gateway configurations on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_vpn_gateway - Manages site-to-site VPN gateways on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_zone - Manages zones on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_zone_facts - Gathering facts of zones from Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- digital_ocean - Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean
- digital_ocean_account_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean User account
- digital_ocean_block_storage - Create/destroy or attach/detach Block Storage volumes in DigitalOcean
- digital_ocean_certificate - Manage certificates in DigitalOcean.
- digital_ocean_certificate_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean certificates
- digital_ocean_domain - Create/delete a DNS record in DigitalOcean
- digital_ocean_domain_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean Domains
- digital_ocean_floating_ip - Manage DigitalOcean Floating IPs
- digital_ocean_floating_ip_facts - DigitalOcean Floating IPs facts
- digital_ocean_image_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean images
- digital_ocean_load_balancer_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean load balancers
- digital_ocean_region_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean regions
- digital_ocean_size_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean Droplet sizes
- digital_ocean_snapshot_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean Snapshot
- digital_ocean_sshkey - Manage DigitalOcean SSH keys
- digital_ocean_sshkey_facts - DigitalOcean SSH keys facts
- digital_ocean_tag - Create and remove tag(s) to DigitalOcean resource.
- digital_ocean_tag_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean tags
- digital_ocean_volume_facts - Gather facts about DigitalOcean volumes
- dimensiondata_network - Create, update, and delete MCP 1.0 & 2.0 networks
- dimensiondata_vlan - Manage a VLAN in a Cloud Control network domain.
- docker - manage docker containers (D)
- docker_container - manage docker containers
- docker_image - Manage docker images.
- docker_image_facts - Inspect docker images
- docker_login - Log into a Docker registry.
- docker_network - Manage Docker networks
- docker_secret - Manage docker secrets.
- docker_service - Manage docker services and containers.
- docker_volume - Manage Docker volumes
- gc_storage - This module manages objects/buckets in Google Cloud Storage.
- gcdns_record - Creates or removes resource records in Google Cloud DNS
- gcdns_zone - Creates or removes zones in Google Cloud DNS
- gce - create or terminate GCE instances
- gce_eip - Create or Destroy Global or Regional External IP addresses.
- gce_img - utilize GCE image resources
- gce_instance_template - create or destroy instance templates of Compute Engine of GCP.
- gce_labels - Create, Update or Destroy GCE Labels.
- gce_lb - create/destroy GCE load-balancer resources
- gce_mig - Create, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG).
- gce_net - create/destroy GCE networks and firewall rules
- gce_pd - utilize GCE persistent disk resources
- gce_snapshot - Create or destroy snapshots for GCE storage volumes
- gce_tag - add or remove tag(s) to/from GCE instances
- gcp_backend_service - Create or Destroy a Backend Service.
- gcp_compute_address - Creates a GCP Address
- gcp_compute_backend_bucket - Creates a GCP BackendBucket
- gcp_compute_backend_service - Creates a GCP BackendService
- gcp_compute_disk - Creates a GCP Disk
- gcp_compute_firewall - Creates a GCP Firewall
- gcp_compute_forwarding_rule - Creates a GCP ForwardingRule
- gcp_compute_global_address - Creates a GCP GlobalAddress
- gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule - Creates a GCP GlobalForwardingRule
- gcp_compute_health_check - Creates a GCP HealthCheck
- gcp_compute_http_health_check - Creates a GCP HttpHealthCheck
- gcp_compute_https_health_check - Creates a GCP HttpsHealthCheck
- gcp_compute_image - Creates a GCP Image
- gcp_compute_instance - Creates a GCP Instance
- gcp_compute_instance_group - Creates a GCP InstanceGroup
- gcp_compute_instance_group_manager - Creates a GCP InstanceGroupManager
- gcp_compute_instance_template - Creates a GCP InstanceTemplate
- gcp_compute_network - Creates a GCP Network
- gcp_compute_route - Creates a GCP Route
- gcp_compute_ssl_certificate - Creates a GCP SslCertificate
- gcp_compute_subnetwork - Creates a GCP Subnetwork
- gcp_compute_target_http_proxy - Creates a GCP TargetHttpProxy
- gcp_compute_target_https_proxy - Creates a GCP TargetHttpsProxy
- gcp_compute_target_pool - Creates a GCP TargetPool
- gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxy - Creates a GCP TargetSslProxy
- gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxy - Creates a GCP TargetTcpProxy
- gcp_compute_url_map - Creates a GCP UrlMap
- gcp_container_cluster - Creates a GCP Cluster
- gcp_container_node_pool - Creates a GCP NodePool
- gcp_dns_managed_zone - Creates a GCP ManagedZone
- gcp_dns_resource_record_set - Creates a GCP ResourceRecordSet
- gcp_forwarding_rule - Create, Update or Destroy a Forwarding_Rule.
- gcp_healthcheck - Create, Update or Destroy a Healthcheck.
- gcp_pubsub_subscription - Creates a GCP Subscription
- gcp_pubsub_topic - Creates a GCP Topic
- gcp_storage_bucket - Creates a GCP Bucket
- gcp_storage_bucket_access_control - Creates a GCP BucketAccessControl
- gcp_target_proxy - Create, Update or Destroy a Target_Proxy.
- gcp_url_map - Create, Update or Destory a Url_Map.
- gcpubsub - Create and Delete Topics/Subscriptions, Publish and pull messages on PubSub
- gcpubsub_facts - List Topics/Subscriptions and Messages from Google PubSub.
- gcspanner - Create and Delete Instances/Databases on Spanner
- memset_dns_reload - Request reload of Memset’s DNS infrastructure,
- memset_zone - Creates and deletes Memset DNS zones.
- memset_zone_domain - Create and delete domains in Memset DNS zones.
- memset_zone_record - Create and delete records in Memset DNS zones.
- cloud_init_data_facts - Retrieve facts of cloud-init.
- helm - Manages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager
- ovirt - oVirt/RHEV platform management
- proxmox - management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster
- proxmox_kvm - Management of Qemu(KVM) Virtual Machines in Proxmox VE cluster.
- proxmox_template - management of OS templates in Proxmox VE cluster
- rhevm - RHEV/oVirt automation
- serverless - Manages a Serverless Framework project
- terraform - Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans)
- virt - Manages virtual machines supported by libvirt
- virt_net - Manage libvirt network configuration
- virt_pool - Manage libvirt storage pools
- xenserver_facts - get facts reported on xenserver
- oneandone_firewall_policy - Configure 1&1 firewall policy.
- oneandone_load_balancer - Configure 1&1 load balancer.
- oneandone_monitoring_policy - Configure 1&1 monitoring policy.
- oneandone_private_network - Configure 1&1 private networking.
- oneandone_public_ip - Configure 1&1 public IPs.
- oneandone_server - Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a 1&1 Host server.
- one_host - Manages OpenNebula Hosts
- one_image - Manages OpenNebula images
- one_image_facts - Gather facts about OpenNebula images
- one_service - Deploy and manage OpenNebula services
- one_vm - Creates or terminates OpenNebula instances
- os_auth - Retrieve an auth token
- os_client_config - Get OpenStack Client config
- os_flavor_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more flavors
- os_floating_ip - Add/Remove floating IP from an instance
- os_group - Manage OpenStack Identity Groups
- os_image - Add/Delete images from OpenStack Cloud
- os_image_facts - Retrieve facts about an image within OpenStack.
- os_ironic - Create/Delete Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack
- os_ironic_inspect - Explicitly triggers baremetal node introspection in ironic.
- os_ironic_node - Activate/Deactivate Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack
- os_keypair - Add/Delete a keypair from OpenStack
- os_keystone_domain - Manage OpenStack Identity Domains
- os_keystone_domain_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack domains
- os_keystone_endpoint - Manage OpenStack Identity service endpoints
- os_keystone_role - Manage OpenStack Identity Roles
- os_keystone_service - Manage OpenStack Identity services
- os_network - Creates/removes networks from OpenStack
- os_networks_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack networks.
- os_nova_flavor - Manage OpenStack compute flavors
- os_nova_host_aggregate - Manage OpenStack host aggregates
- os_object - Create or Delete objects and containers from OpenStack
- os_port - Add/Update/Delete ports from an OpenStack cloud.
- os_port_facts - Retrieve facts about ports within OpenStack.
- os_project - Manage OpenStack Projects
- os_project_access - Manage OpenStack compute flavors acceess
- os_project_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack projects
- os_quota - Manage OpenStack Quotas
- os_recordset - Manage OpenStack DNS recordsets
- os_router - Create or delete routers from OpenStack
- os_security_group - Add/Delete security groups from an OpenStack cloud.
- os_security_group_rule - Add/Delete rule from an existing security group
- os_server - Create/Delete Compute Instances from OpenStack
- os_server_action - Perform actions on Compute Instances from OpenStack
- os_server_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more compute instances
- os_server_group - Manage OpenStack server groups
- os_server_metadata - Add/Update/Delete Metadata in Compute Instances from OpenStack
- os_server_volume - Attach/Detach Volumes from OpenStack VM’s
- os_stack - Add/Remove Heat Stack
- os_subnet - Add/Remove subnet to an OpenStack network
- os_subnets_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack subnets.
- os_user - Manage OpenStack Identity Users
- os_user_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack users
- os_user_group - Associate OpenStack Identity users and groups
- os_user_role - Associate OpenStack Identity users and roles
- os_volume - Create/Delete Cinder Volumes
- os_volume_snapshot - Create/Delete Cinder Volume Snapshots
- os_zone - Manage OpenStack DNS zones
- ovirt_affinity_group - Module to manage affinity groups in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_affinity_label - Module to manage affinity labels in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_affinity_label_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV affinity labels
- ovirt_api_facts - Retrieve facts about the oVirt/RHV API
- ovirt_auth - Module to manage authentication to oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_cluster - Module to manage clusters in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_cluster_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV clusters
- ovirt_datacenter - Module to manage data centers in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_datacenter_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV datacenters
- ovirt_disk - Module to manage Virtual Machine and floating disks in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_disk_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV disks
- ovirt_external_provider - Module to manage external providers in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_external_provider_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV external providers
- ovirt_group - Module to manage groups in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_group_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV groups
- ovirt_host_networks - Module to manage host networks in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_host_pm - Module to manage power management of hosts in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_host_storage_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV HostStorages (applicable only for block storage)
- ovirt_hosts - Module to manage hosts in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_hosts_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV hosts
- ovirt_mac_pools - Module to manage MAC pools in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_networks - Module to manage logical networks in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_networks_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV networks
- ovirt_nics - Module to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_nics_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine network interfaces
- ovirt_permissions - Module to manage permissions of users/groups in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_permissions_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV permissions
- ovirt_quotas - Module to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_quotas_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV quotas
- ovirt_scheduling_policies_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt scheduling policies
- ovirt_snapshots - Module to manage Virtual Machine Snapshots in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_snapshots_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine snapshots
- ovirt_storage_connections - Module to manage storage connections in oVirt
- ovirt_storage_domains - Module to manage storage domains in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_storage_domains_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV storage domains
- ovirt_storage_templates_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates relate to a storage domain.
- ovirt_storage_vms_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines relate to a storage domain.
- ovirt_tags - Module to manage tags in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_tags_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV tags
- ovirt_templates - Module to manage virtual machine templates in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_templates_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates
- ovirt_users - Module to manage users in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_users_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV users
- ovirt_vmpools - Module to manage VM pools in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_vmpools_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV vmpools
- ovirt_vms - Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
- ovirt_vms_facts - Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines
- packet_device - Manage a bare metal server in the Packet Host.
- packet_sshkey - Create/delete an SSH key in Packet host.
- profitbricks - Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine.
- profitbricks_datacenter - Create or destroy a ProfitBricks Virtual Datacenter.
- profitbricks_nic - Create or Remove a NIC.
- profitbricks_volume - Create or destroy a volume.
- profitbricks_volume_attachments - Attach or detach a volume.
- rax - create / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud
- rax_cbs - Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volumes
- rax_cbs_attachments - Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volume Attachments
- rax_cdb - create/delete or resize a Rackspace Cloud Databases instance
- rax_cdb_database - create / delete a database in the Cloud Databases
- rax_cdb_user - create / delete a Rackspace Cloud Database
- rax_clb - create / delete a load balancer in Rackspace Public Cloud
- rax_clb_nodes - add, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer
- rax_clb_ssl - Manage SSL termination for a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer.
- rax_dns - Manage domains on Rackspace Cloud DNS
- rax_dns_record - Manage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS
- rax_facts - Gather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers
- rax_files - Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers
- rax_files_objects - Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files
- rax_identity - Load Rackspace Cloud Identity
- rax_keypair - Create a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers
- rax_meta - Manipulate metadata for Rackspace Cloud Servers
- rax_mon_alarm - Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alarm.
- rax_mon_check - Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring check for an existing entity.
- rax_mon_entity - Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring entity
- rax_mon_notification - Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification.
- rax_mon_notification_plan - Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification plan.
- rax_network - create / delete an isolated network in Rackspace Public Cloud
- rax_queue - create / delete a queue in Rackspace Public Cloud
- rax_scaling_group - Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Groups
- rax_scaling_policy - Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Scaling Policy
- scaleway_compute - Scaleway compute management module
- scaleway_sshkey - Scaleway SSH keys management module
- imgadm - Manage SmartOS images
- smartos_image_facts - Get SmartOS image details.
- vmadm - Manage SmartOS virtual machines and zones.
- udm_dns_record - Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server
- udm_dns_zone - Manage dns zones on a univention corporate server
- udm_group - Manage of the posix group
- udm_share - Manage samba shares on a univention corporate server
- udm_user - Manage posix users on a univention corporate server
- vca_fw - add remove firewall rules in a gateway in a vca
- vca_nat - add remove nat rules in a gateway in a vca
- vca_vapp - Manages vCloud Air vApp instances.
- vcenter_folder - Manage folders on given datacenter
- vcenter_license - Manage VMware vCenter license keys
- vmware_cfg_backup - Backup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration
- vmware_cluster - Manage VMware vSphere clusters
- vmware_cluster_facts - Gather facts about clusters available in given vCenter
- vmware_datacenter - Manage VMware vSphere Datacenters
- vmware_datastore_cluster - Manage VMware vSphere datastore clusters
- vmware_datastore_facts - Gather facts about datastores available in given vCenter
- vmware_datastore_maintenancemode - Place a datastore into maintenance mode
- vmware_dns_config - Manage VMware ESXi DNS Configuration
- vmware_drs_rule_facts - Gathers facts about DRS rule on the given cluster
- vmware_dvs_host - Add or remove a host from distributed virtual switch
- vmware_dvs_portgroup - Create or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup.
- vmware_dvswitch - Create or remove a distributed vSwitch
- vmware_guest - Manages virtual machines in vCenter
- vmware_guest_disk_facts - Gather facts about disks of given virtual machine
- vmware_guest_facts - Gather facts about a single VM
- vmware_guest_file_operation - Files operation in a VMware guest operating system without network
- vmware_guest_find - Find the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID
- vmware_guest_powerstate - Manages power states of virtual machines in vCenter
- vmware_guest_snapshot - Manages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter
- vmware_guest_snapshot_facts - Gather facts about virtual machine’s snapshots in vCenter
- vmware_guest_tools_wait - Wait for VMware tools to become available
- vmware_host - Add / Remove ESXi host to / from vCenter
- vmware_host_acceptance - Manage acceptance level of ESXi host
- vmware_host_capability_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s capability information
- vmware_host_config_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s advance configuration information
- vmware_host_config_manager - Manage advance configurations about an ESXi host
- vmware_host_datastore - Manage a datastore on ESXi host
- vmware_host_dns_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s DNS configuration information
- vmware_host_facts - Gathers facts about remote ESXi hostsystem
- vmware_host_firewall_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s firewall configuration information
- vmware_host_firewall_manager - Manage firewall configurations about an ESXi host
- vmware_host_lockdown - Manage administrator permission for the local administrative account for the ESXi host
- vmware_host_ntp - Manage NTP configurations about an ESXi host
- vmware_host_package_facts - Gathers facts about available packages on an ESXi host
- vmware_host_powerstate - Manages power states of host systems in vCenter
- vmware_host_service_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s services
- vmware_host_service_manager - Manage services on a given ESXi host
- vmware_host_vmnic_facts - Gathers facts about vmnics available on the given ESXi host
- vmware_local_role_manager - Manage local roles on an ESXi host
- vmware_local_user_facts - Gather facts about users on the given ESXi host
- vmware_local_user_manager - Manage local users on an ESXi host
- vmware_maintenancemode - Place a host into maintenance mode
- vmware_migrate_vmk - Migrate a VMK interface from VSS to VDS
- vmware_portgroup - Create a VMware portgroup
- vmware_portgroup_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s portgroup configuration
- vmware_resource_pool - Add/remove resource pools to/from vCenter
- vmware_resource_pool_facts - Gathers facts about resource pool information
- vmware_tag - Manage VMware tags
- vmware_tag_facts - Manage VMware tag facts
- vmware_target_canonical_facts - Return canonical (NAA) from an ESXi host system
- vmware_vm_facts - Return basic facts pertaining to a vSphere virtual machine guest
- vmware_vm_shell - Run commands in a VMware guest operating system
- vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule - Configure VMware DRS Affinity rule for virtual machine in given cluster
- vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate - Migrates a virtual machine from a standard vswitch to distributed
- vmware_vmkernel - Manage a VMware VMkernel Interface aka. Virtual NICs of host system.
- vmware_vmkernel_facts - Gathers VMKernel facts about an ESXi host
- vmware_vmkernel_ip_config - Configure the VMkernel IP Address
- vmware_vmotion - Move a virtual machine using vMotion
- vmware_vsan_cluster - Configure VSAN clustering on an ESXi host
- vmware_vswitch - Manage a VMware Standard Switch to an ESXi host.
- vmware_vswitch_facts - Gathers facts about an ESXi host’s vswitch configurations
- vsphere_copy - Copy a file to a vCenter datastore
- vsphere_guest - Create/delete/manage a guest VM through VMware vSphere. (D)
- vr_account_facts - Gather facts about the Vultr account.
- vr_dns_domain - Manages DNS domains on Vultr.
- vr_dns_record - Manages DNS records on Vultr.
- vr_firewall_group - Manages firewall groups on Vultr.
- vr_firewall_rule - Manages firewall rules on Vultr.
- vr_server - Manages virtual servers on Vultr.
- vr_ssh_key - Manages ssh keys on Vultr.
- vr_startup_script - Manages startup scripts on Vultr.
- vr_user - Manages users on Vultr.
- webfaction_app - Add or remove applications on a Webfaction host
- webfaction_db - Add or remove a database on Webfaction
- webfaction_domain - Add or remove domains and subdomains on Webfaction
- webfaction_mailbox - Add or remove mailboxes on Webfaction
- webfaction_site - Add or remove a website on a Webfaction host
- (D): This marks a module as deprecated, which means a module is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.