Webpack has a rich plugin interface. Most of the features within webpack itself use this plugin interface. This makes webpack flexible.
Name | Description |
BannerPlugin |
Add a banner to the top of each generated chunk |
CommonsChunkPlugin |
Extract common modules shared between chunks |
CompressionWebpackPlugin |
Prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding |
ContextReplacementPlugin |
Override the inferred context of a require expression |
CopyWebpackPlugin |
Copies individual files or entire directories to the build directory |
DefinePlugin |
Allow global constants configured at compile time |
DllPlugin |
Split bundles in order to drastically improve build time |
EnvironmentPlugin |
Shorthand for using the DefinePlugin on process.env keys |
EslintWebpackPlugin |
A ESLint plugin for webpack |
HotModuleReplacementPlugin |
Enable Hot Module Replacement (HMR) |
HtmlWebpackPlugin |
Easily create HTML files to serve your bundles |
IgnorePlugin |
Exclude certain modules from bundles |
LimitChunkCountPlugin |
Set min/max limits for chunking to better control chunking |
MinChunkSizePlugin |
Keep chunk size above the specified limit |
MiniCssExtractPlugin |
creates a CSS file per JS file which requires CSS |
NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin |
Skip the emitting phase when there are compilation errors |
NormalModuleReplacementPlugin |
Replace resource(s) that matches a regexp |
NpmInstallWebpackPlugin |
Auto-install missing dependencies during development |
ProgressPlugin |
Report compilation progress |
ProvidePlugin |
Use modules without having to use import/require |
SourceMapDevToolPlugin |
Enables a more fine grained control of source maps |
EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin |
Enables a more fine grained control of eval source maps |
TerserPlugin |
Uses Terser to minify the JS in your project |
For more third-party plugins, see the list from awesome-webpack.
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