
This plugin uses html-minifier-terser to optimize and minify your HTML.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to install html-minimizer-webpack-plugin:

$ npm install html-minimizer-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Then add the plugin to your webpack configuration. For example:


const HtmlMinimizerPlugin = require("html-minimizer-webpack-plugin");
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.html$/i,
        type: "asset/resource",
  plugins: [
    new CopyPlugin({
      patterns: [
          context: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
          from: "./src/*.html",
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      // For webpack@5 you can use the `...` syntax to extend existing minimizers (i.e. `terser-webpack-plugin`), uncomment the next line
      // `...`
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin(),

This will enable HTML optimization only in production mode. If you want to run it also in development set the optimization.minimize option to true.

And run webpack via your preferred method.


Name Type Default Description
test String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> /\.html(\?.*)?$/i Test to match files against.
include String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> undefined Files to include.
exclude String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> undefined Files to exclude.
parallel Boolean|Number true Use multi-process parallel running to improve the build speed.
minify Function|Array<Function> HtmlMinimizerPlugin.htmlMinifierTerser Allows you to override default minify function.
minimizerOptions Object|Array<Object> { caseSensitive: true, collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, keepClosingSlash: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeComments: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, } Html-minifier-terser optimisations options.


Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> - default: /\.html(\?.*)?$/i

Test to match files against.

module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        test: /\.foo\.html/i,


Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> Default: undefined

Files to include.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        include: /\/includes/,


Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> Default: undefined

Files to exclude.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        exclude: /\/excludes/,


Type: Boolean|Number Default: true

Use multi-process parallel running to improve the build speed. Default number of concurrent runs: os.cpus().length - 1.

ℹ️ Parallelization can speed up your build significantly and is therefore highly recommended.


Enable/disable multi-process parallel running.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        parallel: true,


Enable multi-process parallel running and set number of concurrent runs.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        parallel: 4,


Type: Function|Array<Function> Default: HtmlMinimizerPlugin.htmlMinifierTerser

Allows you to override default minify function. By default, plugin uses html-minifier-terser package. Useful for using and testing unpublished versions or forks.

⚠️ Always use require inside minify function when parallel option enabled.



module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        minimizerOptions: {
          collapseWhitespace: true,
        minify: (data, minimizerOptions) => {
          const htmlMinifier = require("html-minifier-terser");
          const [[filename, input]] = Object.entries(data);

          return {
            code: htmlMinifier.minify(input, minimizerOptions),
            warnings: [],
            errors: [],


If an array of functions is passed to the minify option, the minimizerOptions can be an array or an object. If minimizerOptions is array, the function index in the minify array corresponds to the options object with the same index in the minimizerOptions array. If you use minimizerOptions like object, all minify function accept it.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        minimizerOptions: [
          // Options for the first function (HtmlMinimizerPlugin.htmlMinifierTerser)
            collapseWhitespace: true,
          // Options for the second function
        minify: [
          (data, minimizerOptions) => {
            const [[filename, input]] = Object.entries(data);
            // To do something
            return {
              code: `optimised code`,
              warnings: [],
              errors: [],


Type: Object|Array<Object> Default: { caseSensitive: true, collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, keepClosingSlash: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeComments: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, }

Html-minifier-terser optimisations options.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        minimizerOptions: {
          collapseWhitespace: false,


The function index in the minify array corresponds to the options object with the same index in the minimizerOptions array. If you use minimizerOptions like object, all minify function accept it.


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new HtmlMinimizerPlugin({
        minimizerOptions: [
          // Options for the first function (HtmlMinimizerPlugin.htmlMinifierTerser)
            collapseWhitespace: true,
          // Options for the second function
        minify: [
          (data, minimizerOptions) => {
            const [[filename, input]] = Object.entries(data);
            // To do something
            return {
              code: `optimised code`,
              warnings: [],
              errors: [],


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