

New to Vue.js? Check out our Essentials Guide to get started.

This guide is primarily for users with prior Vue 2 experience who want to learn about the new features and changes in Vue 3. This is not something you have to read from top to bottom before trying out Vue 3. While it looks like a lot has changed, a lot of what you know and love about Vue is still the same; but we wanted to be as thorough as possible and provide detailed explanations and examples for every documented change.


Start learning Vue 3 at Vue Mastery (opens new window).


If you want to quickly try out Vue 3 in a new project:

Migration Build

If you have an existing Vue 2 project or library that you intend to upgrade to Vue 3, we provide a build of Vue 3 that offers Vue 2 compatible APIs. Check out the Migration Build page for more details.

Notable New Features

Some of the new features to keep an eye on in Vue 3 include:

Breaking Changes

The following consists a list of breaking changes from 2.x:

Global API

Template Directives


Render Function

Custom Elements

Other Minor Changes

Removed APIs

Supporting Libraries

All of our official libraries and tools now support Vue 3, but some of them are still in beta or release candidate status. You'll find details for the individual libraries below. Most are currently distributed using the next dist tag on npm. We intend to switch to latest once all the official libraries have compatible, stable versions.


As of v4.5.0, vue-cli now provides the built-in option to choose Vue 3 when creating a new project. You can upgrade vue-cli and run vue create to create a Vue 3 project today.

Vue Router

Vue Router 4.0 provides Vue 3 support and has a number of breaking changes of its own. Check out its migration guide (opens new window) for full details.


Vuex 4.0 provides Vue 3 support with largely the same API as 3.x. The only breaking change is how the plugin is installed (opens new window).

Devtools Extension

We are working on a new version of the Devtools with a new UI and refactored internals to support multiple Vue versions. The new version is currently in beta and only supports Vue 3 (for now). Vuex and Router integration is also work in progress.

IDE Support

It is recommended to use VSCode (opens new window) with our official extension Volar (opens new window), which provides comprehensive IDE support for Vue 3.

Other Projects

Project npm Repo
@vue/babel-plugin-jsx rc (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]
eslint-plugin-vue ga (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]
@vue/test-utils beta (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]
vue-class-component beta (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]
vue-loader rc (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]
rollup-plugin-vue beta (opens new window) [GitHub (opens new window)]

For additional information on Vue 3 compatibility with libraries and plugins, be sure to check out this issue in awesome-vue (opens new window).

© 2013–present Yuxi Evan You
Licensed under the MIT License.