Inline Template Attribute


Support for the inline-template feature (opens new window) has been removed.

2.x Syntax

In 2.x, Vue provided the inline-template attribute on child components to use its inner content as its template instead of treating it as distributed content.

<my-component inline-template>
    <p>These are compiled as the component's own template.</p>
    <p>Not parent's transclusion content.</p>

3.x Syntax

This feature will no longer be supported.

Migration Strategy

Most of the use cases for inline-template assumes a no-build-tool setup, where all templates are written directly inside the HTML page.

Migration build flag: COMPILER_INLINE_TEMPLATE

Option #1: Use <script> tag

The most straightforward workaround in such cases is using <script> with an alternative type:

<script type="text/html" id="my-comp-template">
  <div>{{ hello }}</div>

And in the component, target the template using a selector:

const MyComp = {
  template: '#my-comp-template'
  // ...

This doesn't require any build setup, works in all browsers, is not subject to any in-DOM HTML parsing caveats (e.g. you can use camelCase prop names), and provides proper syntax highlighting in most IDEs. In traditional server-side frameworks, these templates can be split out into server template partials (included into the main HTML template) for better maintainability.

Option #2: Default Slot

A component previously using inline-template can also be refactored using the default slot - which makes the data scoping more explicit while preserving the convenience of writing child content inline:

<!-- 2.x Syntax -->
<my-comp inline-template :msg="parentMsg">
  {{ msg }} {{ childState }}

<!-- Default Slot Version -->
<my-comp v-slot="{ childState }">
  {{ parentMsg }} {{ childState }}

The child, instead of providing no template, should now render the default slot*:

  in child template, render default slot while passing
  in necessary private state of child.
  <slot :childState="childState" />
  • Note: In 3.x, slots can be rendered as the root with native fragments support!

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Licensed under the MIT License.