The function that returns a data object for the component instance. In
, we don't recommend to observe objects with their own stateful behavior like browser API objects and prototype properties. A good idea would be to have here just a plain object that represents component data.Once observed, you can no longer add reactive properties to the root data object. It is therefore recommended to declare all root-level reactive properties upfront, before creating the instance.
After the instance is created, the original data object can be accessed as
. The component instance also proxies all the properties found on the data object, sovm.a
will be equivalent tovm.$data.a
.Properties that start with
will not be proxied on the component instance because they may conflict with Vue's internal properties and API methods. You will have to access them asvm.$data._property
. -
// direct instance creation const data = { a: 1 } // The object is added to a component instance const vm = createApp({ data() { return data } }).mount('#app') console.log(vm.a) // => 1
Note that if you use an arrow function with the
won't be the component's instance, but you can still access the instance as the function's first argument:data: vm => ({ a: vm.myProp })
See also: Reactivity in Depth
Array<string> | Object
A list/hash of attributes that are exposed to accept data from the parent component. It has an Array-based simple syntax and an alternative Object-based syntax that allows advanced configurations such as type checking, custom validation and default values.
With Object-based syntax, you can use following options:
: can be one of the following native constructors:String
, any custom constructor function or an array of those. Will check if a prop has a given type, and will throw a warning if it doesn't. More information on prop types. -
Specifies a default value for the prop. If the prop is not passed, this value will be used instead. Object or array defaults must be returned from a factory function. -
Defines if the prop is required. In a non-production environment, a console warning will be thrown if this value is truthy and the prop is not passed. -
Custom validator function that takes the prop value as the sole argument. In a non-production environment, a console warning will be thrown if this function returns a falsy value (i.e. the validation fails). You can read more about prop validation here.
const app = createApp({}) // simple syntax app.component('props-demo-simple', { props: ['size', 'myMessage'] }) // object syntax with validation app.component('props-demo-advanced', { props: { // type check height: Number, // type check plus other validations age: { type: Number, default: 0, required: true, validator: value => { return value >= 0 } } } })
See also: Props
{ [key: string]: Function | { get: Function, set: Function } }
Computed properties to be mixed into the component instance. All getters and setters have their
context automatically bound to the component instance.Note that if you use an arrow function with a computed property,
won't be the component's instance, but you can still access the instance as the function's first argument:computed: { aDouble: vm => vm.a * 2 }
Computed properties are cached, and only re-computed on reactive dependency changes. Note that if a certain dependency is out of the instance's scope (i.e. not reactive), the computed property will not be updated.
const app = createApp({ data() { return { a: 1 } }, computed: { // get only aDouble() { return this.a * 2 }, // both get and set aPlus: { get() { return this.a + 1 }, set(v) { this.a = v - 1 } } } }) const vm = app.mount('#app') console.log(vm.aPlus) // => 2 vm.aPlus = 3 console.log(vm.a) // => 2 console.log(vm.aDouble) // => 4
See also: Computed Properties
{ [key: string]: Function }
Methods to be mixed into the component instance. You can access these methods directly on the VM instance, or use them in directive expressions. All methods will have their
context automatically bound to the component instance.NoteNote that you should not use an arrow function to define a method (e.g.
plus: () => this.a++
). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, sothis
will not be the component instance as you expect andthis.a
will be undefined. -
const app = createApp({ data() { return { a: 1 } }, methods: { plus() { this.a++ } } }) const vm = app.mount('#app') console.log(vm.a) // => 2
See also: Event Handling
{ [key: string]: string | Function | Object | Array}
An object where keys are reactive properties to watch — examples include data or computed properties — and values are the corresponding callbacks. The value can also be a string of a method name, or an Object that contains additional options. The component instance will call
for each entry in the object at instantiation. See $watch for more information about thedeep
options. -
const app = createApp({ data() { return { a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: 4 }, e: 5, f: 6 } }, watch: { // watching top-level property a(val, oldVal) { console.log(`new: ${val}, old: ${oldVal}`) }, // string method name b: 'someMethod', // the callback will be called whenever any of the watched object properties change regardless of their nested depth c: { handler(val, oldVal) { console.log('c changed') }, deep: true }, // watching a single nested property: 'c.d': function (val, oldVal) { // do something }, // the callback will be called immediately after the start of the observation e: { handler(val, oldVal) { console.log('e changed') }, immediate: true }, // you can pass array of callbacks, they will be called one-by-one f: [ 'handle1', function handle2(val, oldVal) { console.log('handle2 triggered') }, { handler: function handle3(val, oldVal) { console.log('handle3 triggered') } /* ... */ } ] }, methods: { someMethod() { console.log('b changed') }, handle1() { console.log('handle 1 triggered') } } }) const vm = app.mount('#app') vm.a = 3 // => new: 3, old: 1
NoteNote that you should not use an arrow function to define a watcher (e.g.
searchQuery: newValue => this.updateAutocomplete(newValue)
). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, sothis
will not be the component instance as you expect andthis.updateAutocomplete
will be undefined. See also: Watchers
Array<string> | Object
A list/hash of custom events that can be emitted from the component. It has an array-based simple syntax and an alternative Object-based syntax that allows to configure an event validation.
In Object-based syntax, the value of each property can either be
or a validator function. The validation function will receive the additional arguments passed to the$emit
call. For example, ifthis.$emit('foo', 1)
is called, the corresponding validator forfoo
will receive the argument1
. The validator function should return a boolean to indicate whether the event arguments are valid. -
const app = createApp({}) // Array syntax app.component('todo-item', { emits: ['check'], created() { this.$emit('check') } }) // Object syntax app.component('reply-form', { emits: { // no validation click: null, // with validation submit: payload => { if ( && payload.password) { return true } else { console.warn(`Invalid submit event payload!`) return false } } } })
NoteEvents listed in the
option will not be inherited by the root element of the component and also will be excluded from the$attrs
- See also: Attribute Inheritance
expose 3.2+
A list of properties to expose on the public component instance.
By default, the public instance accessed via
, or$root
is the same as the internal component instance that's used by the template. Theexpose
option restricts the properties that can be accessed via the public instance.Properties defined by Vue itself, such as
, will always be available on the public instance and don't need to be listed. -
export default { // increment will be exposed but count // will only be accessible internally expose: ['increment'], data() { return { count: 0 } }, methods: { increment() { this.count++ } } }
See also: defineExpose
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Licensed under the MIT License.