class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group
Public Class Methods
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; ossl_ec_group *ec_group; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ossl_ec_group, &ossl_ec_group_type, ec_group); if (ec_group->group != NULL) ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "EC_GROUP is already initialized"); switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4)) { case 1: if (SYMBOL_P(arg1)) { const EC_METHOD *method = NULL; ID id = SYM2ID(arg1); if (id == s_GFp_simple) { method = EC_GFp_simple_method(); } else if (id == s_GFp_mont) { method = EC_GFp_mont_method(); } else if (id == s_GFp_nist) { method = EC_GFp_nist_method(); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC2M) } else if (id == s_GF2m_simple) { method = EC_GF2m_simple_method(); #endif } if (method) { if ((group = EC_GROUP_new(method)) == NULL) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_new"); } else { ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown symbol, must be :GFp_simple, :GFp_mont, :GFp_nist or :GF2m_simple"); } } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg1, cEC_GROUP)) { const EC_GROUP *arg1_group; SafeRequire_EC_GROUP(arg1, arg1_group); if ((group = EC_GROUP_dup(arg1_group)) == NULL) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_dup"); } else { BIO *in = ossl_obj2bio(arg1); group = PEM_read_bio_ECPKParameters(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!group) { OSSL_BIO_reset(in); group = d2i_ECPKParameters_bio(in, NULL); } BIO_free(in); if (!group) { const char *name = StringValueCStr(arg1); int nid = OBJ_sn2nid(name); (void)ERR_get_error(); if (nid == NID_undef) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "unknown curve name (%s)", name); group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(nid); if (group == NULL) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "unable to create curve (%s)", name); EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(group, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE); EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(group, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED); } } break; case 4: if (SYMBOL_P(arg1)) { ID id = SYM2ID(arg1); EC_GROUP *(*new_curve)(const BIGNUM *, const BIGNUM *, const BIGNUM *, BN_CTX *) = NULL; const BIGNUM *p = GetBNPtr(arg2); const BIGNUM *a = GetBNPtr(arg3); const BIGNUM *b = GetBNPtr(arg4); if (id == s_GFp) { new_curve = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC2M) } else if (id == s_GF2m) { new_curve = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GF2m; #endif } else { ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown symbol, must be :GFp or :GF2m"); } if ((group = new_curve(p, a, b, ossl_bn_ctx)) == NULL) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_new_by_GF*"); } else { ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown argument, must be :GFp or :GF2m"); } break; default: ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments"); } if (group == NULL) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, ""); ec_group->group = group; return self; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_*
Public Instance Methods
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_asn1_flag(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; int flag; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); flag = EC_GROUP_get_asn1_flag(group); return INT2FIX(flag); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_asn1_flag()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_set_asn1_flag(VALUE self, VALUE flag_v) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(group, NUM2INT(flag_v)); return flag_v; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_cofactor(VALUE self) { VALUE bn_obj; BIGNUM *bn; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); bn_obj = ossl_bn_new(NULL); bn = GetBNPtr(bn_obj); if (EC_GROUP_get_cofactor(group, bn, ossl_bn_ctx) != 1) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_get_cofactor"); return bn_obj; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_cofactor()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_curve_name(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; int nid; Get_EC_GROUP(self, group); if (group == NULL) return Qnil; nid = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(group); /* BUG: an nid or asn1 object should be returned, maybe. */ return rb_str_new2(OBJ_nid2sn(nid)); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_curve_name()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_degree(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); return INT2NUM(EC_GROUP_get_degree(group)); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_degree()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_eql(VALUE a, VALUE b) { EC_GROUP *group1 = NULL, *group2 = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(a, group1); SafeRequire_EC_GROUP(b, group2); if (EC_GROUP_cmp(group1, group2, ossl_bn_ctx) == 1) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_generator(VALUE self) { VALUE point_obj; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); point_obj = ossl_ec_point_dup(EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group), self); return point_obj; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get0_generator()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_order(VALUE self) { VALUE bn_obj; BIGNUM *bn; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); bn_obj = ossl_bn_new(NULL); bn = GetBNPtr(bn_obj); if (EC_GROUP_get_order(group, bn, ossl_bn_ctx) != 1) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_get_order"); return bn_obj; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_order()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_point_conversion_form(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; point_conversion_form_t form; VALUE ret; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); form = EC_GROUP_get_point_conversion_form(group); switch (form) { case POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED: ret = ID_uncompressed; break; case POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED: ret = ID_compressed; break; case POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID: ret = ID_hybrid; break; default: ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "unsupported point conversion form: %d, this module should be updated", form); } return ID2SYM(ret); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get_point_conversion_form()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_set_point_conversion_form(VALUE self, VALUE form_v) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; point_conversion_form_t form; ID form_id = SYM2ID(form_v); Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); if (form_id == ID_uncompressed) { form = POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED; } else if (form_id == ID_compressed) { form = POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED; } else if (form_id == ID_hybrid) { form = POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID; } else { ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "form must be :compressed, :uncompressed, or :hybrid"); } EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(group, form); return form_v; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_get_seed(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; size_t seed_len; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); seed_len = EC_GROUP_get_seed_len(group); if (seed_len == 0) return Qnil; return rb_str_new((const char *)EC_GROUP_get0_seed(group), seed_len); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_get0_seed()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_set_seed(VALUE self, VALUE seed) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); StringValue(seed); if (EC_GROUP_set_seed(group, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(seed), RSTRING_LEN(seed)) != (size_t)RSTRING_LEN(seed)) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_set_seed"); return seed; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_set_seed()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_set_generator(VALUE self, VALUE generator, VALUE order, VALUE cofactor) { EC_GROUP *group = NULL; const EC_POINT *point; const BIGNUM *o, *co; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); SafeRequire_EC_POINT(generator, point); o = GetBNPtr(order); co = GetBNPtr(cofactor); if (EC_GROUP_set_generator(group, point, o, co) != 1) ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "EC_GROUP_set_generator"); return self; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_set_generator()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_to_der(VALUE self) { return ossl_ec_group_to_string(self, EXPORT_DER); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for i2d_ECPKParameters_bio()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_to_pem(VALUE self) { return ossl_ec_group_to_string(self, EXPORT_PEM); }
See the OpenSSL documentation for PEM_write_bio_ECPKParameters()
static VALUE ossl_ec_group_to_text(VALUE self) { EC_GROUP *group; BIO *out; VALUE str; Require_EC_GROUP(self, group); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, "BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())"); } if (!ECPKParameters_print(out, group, 0)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eEC_GROUP, NULL); } str = ossl_membio2str(out); return str; }
See the OpenSSL documentation for ECPKParameters_print()
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