class OpenSSL::BN

Included modules:

Public Class Methods

generate_prime(bits, [, safe [, add [, rem]]]) → bn Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_s_generate_prime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    BIGNUM *add = NULL, *rem = NULL, *result;
    int safe = 1, num;
    VALUE vnum, vsafe, vadd, vrem, obj;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &vnum, &vsafe, &vadd, &vrem);

    num = NUM2INT(vnum);

    if (vsafe == Qfalse) {
        safe = 0;
    if (!NIL_P(vadd)) {
        add = GetBNPtr(vadd);
        rem = NIL_P(vrem) ? NULL : GetBNPtr(vrem);
    if (!(result = BN_new())) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    if (!BN_generate_prime(result, num, safe, add, rem, NULL, NULL)) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    WrapBN(klass, obj, result);

    return obj;


  • bits - integer

  • safe - boolean

  • add - BN

  • rem - BN

new → aBN Show source
new(bn) → aBN
new(integer) → aBN
new(string) → aBN
new(string, 0 | 2 | 10 | 16) → aBN
static VALUE
ossl_bn_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    VALUE str, bs;
    int base = 10;

    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &str, &bs) == 2) {
        base = NUM2INT(bs);

    if (RB_TYPE_P(str, T_FIXNUM)) {
        long i;
        unsigned char bin[sizeof(long)];
        long n = FIX2LONG(str);
        unsigned long un = labs(n);

        for (i = sizeof(long) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
            bin[i] = un&0xff;
            un >>= 8;

        GetBN(self, bn);
        if (!BN_bin2bn(bin, sizeof(bin), bn)) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        if (n < 0) BN_set_negative(bn, 1);
        return self;
    else if (RB_TYPE_P(str, T_BIGNUM)) {
        size_t len = rb_absint_size(str, NULL);
        unsigned char *bin;
        VALUE buf;
        int sign;

        if (INT_MAX < len) {
            rb_raise(eBNError, "bignum too long");
        bin = (unsigned char*)ALLOCV_N(unsigned char, buf, len);
        sign = rb_integer_pack(str, bin, len, 1, 0, INTEGER_PACK_BIG_ENDIAN);

        GetBN(self, bn);
        if (!BN_bin2bn(bin, (int)len, bn)) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        if (sign < 0) BN_set_negative(bn, 1);
        return self;
    if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(str, cBN))) {
        BIGNUM *other;

        GetBN(self, bn);
        GetBN(str, other); /* Safe - we checked kind_of? above */
        if (!BN_copy(bn, other)) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        return self;

    GetBN(self, bn);
    switch (base) {
    case 0:
        if (!BN_mpi2bn((unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LENINT(str), bn)) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    case 2:
        if (!BN_bin2bn((unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LENINT(str), bn)) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    case 10:
        if (!BN_dec2bn(&bn, RSTRING_PTR(str))) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    case 16:
        if (!BN_hex2bn(&bn, RSTRING_PTR(str))) {
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid radix %d", base);
    return self;

Public Instance Methods

bn1 / bn2 → [result, remainder] Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_div(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    BIGNUM *bn1, *bn2 = GetBNPtr(other), *r1, *r2;
    VALUE obj1, obj2;

    GetBN(self, bn1);

    if (!(r1 = BN_new())) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    if (!(r2 = BN_new())) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    if (!BN_div(r1, r2, bn1, bn2, ossl_bn_ctx)) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    WrapBN(CLASS_OF(self), obj1, r1);
    WrapBN(CLASS_OF(self), obj2, r2);

    return rb_ary_new3(2, obj1, obj2);
bn == obj → true or false Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_eq(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    BIGNUM *bn1, *bn2;

    GetBN(self, bn1);
    /* BNPtr may raise, so we can't use here */
    bn2 = try_convert_to_bnptr(other);

    if (bn2 && !BN_cmp(bn1, bn2)) {
        return Qtrue;
    return Qfalse;

Returns true only if obj has the same value as bn. Contrast this with #eql?, which requires obj to be OpenSSL::BN.

Also aliased as: ===
Alias for: ==
bit_set?(bit) → true | false Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_is_bit_set(VALUE self, VALUE bit)
    int b;
    BIGNUM *bn;

    b = NUM2INT(bit);
    GetBN(self, bn);
    if (BN_is_bit_set(bn, b)) {
        return Qtrue;
    return Qfalse;
coerce(p1) Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_coerce(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    switch(TYPE(other)) {
    case T_STRING:
        self = ossl_bn_to_s(0, NULL, self);
    case T_FIXNUM:
    case T_BIGNUM:
        self = ossl_bn_to_i(self);
        if (!RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, cBN))) {
            ossl_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Don't know how to coerce");
    return rb_assoc_new(other, self);
copy(p1) Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    BIGNUM *bn1, *bn2;


    if (self == other) return self;

    GetBN(self, bn1);
    bn2 = GetBNPtr(other);

    if (!BN_copy(bn1, bn2)) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    return self;
eql?(obj) → true or false Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_eql(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    BIGNUM *bn1, *bn2;

    if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, cBN))
        return Qfalse;
    GetBN(self, bn1);
    GetBN(other, bn2);

    return BN_cmp(bn1, bn2) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;

Returns true only if obj is a OpenSSL::BN with the same value as big. Contrast this with OpenSSL::BN#==, which performs type conversions.

hash → Integer Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_hash(VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    VALUE hash;
    unsigned char *buf;
    int len;

    GetBN(self, bn);
    len = BN_num_bytes(bn);
    buf = xmalloc(len);
    if (BN_bn2bin(bn, buf) != len) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);

    hash = INT2FIX(rb_memhash(buf, len));

    return hash;

Returns a hash code for this object.

See also Object#hash.

pretty_print(q) Show source
# File ext/openssl/lib/openssl/bn.rb, line 25
def pretty_print(q)
  q.object_group(self) {
    q.text ' '
    q.text to_i.to_s
prime? → true | false Show source
prime?(checks) → true | false
static VALUE
ossl_bn_is_prime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    VALUE vchecks;
    int checks = BN_prime_checks;

    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vchecks) == 1) {
        checks = NUM2INT(vchecks);
    GetBN(self, bn);
    switch (BN_is_prime(bn, checks, NULL, ossl_bn_ctx, NULL)) {
    case 1:
        return Qtrue;
    case 0:
        return Qfalse;
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    /* not reachable */
    return Qnil;


  • checks - integer

prime_fasttest? → true | false Show source
prime_fasttest?(checks) → true | false
prime_fasttest?(checks, trial_div) → true | false
static VALUE
ossl_bn_is_prime_fasttest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    VALUE vchecks, vtrivdiv;
    int checks = BN_prime_checks, do_trial_division = 1;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &vchecks, &vtrivdiv);

    if (!NIL_P(vchecks)) {
        checks = NUM2INT(vchecks);
    GetBN(self, bn);
    /* handle true/false */
    if (vtrivdiv == Qfalse) {
        do_trial_division = 0;
    switch (BN_is_prime_fasttest(bn, checks, NULL, ossl_bn_ctx, NULL, do_trial_division)) {
    case 1:
        return Qtrue;
    case 0:
        return Qfalse;
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    /* not reachable */
    return Qnil;


  • checks - integer

  • trial_div - boolean

to_bn() Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_to_bn(VALUE self)
    return self;
to_i → integer Show source
static VALUE
ossl_bn_to_i(VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    char *txt;
    VALUE num;

    GetBN(self, bn);

    if (!(txt = BN_bn2hex(bn))) {
        ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    num = rb_cstr_to_inum(txt, 16, Qtrue);

    return num;
Also aliased as: to_int
Alias for: to_i
to_s → string Show source
to_s(base) → string
static VALUE
ossl_bn_to_s(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    BIGNUM *bn;
    VALUE str, bs;
    int base = 10, len;
    char *buf;

    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &bs) == 1) {
        base = NUM2INT(bs);
    GetBN(self, bn);
    switch (base) {
    case 0:
        len = BN_bn2mpi(bn, NULL);
        str = rb_str_new(0, len);
        if (BN_bn2mpi(bn, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str)) != len)
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    case 2:
        len = BN_num_bytes(bn);
        str = rb_str_new(0, len);
        if (BN_bn2bin(bn, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str)) != len)
            ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
    case 10:
        if (!(buf = BN_bn2dec(bn))) ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        str = ossl_buf2str(buf, rb_long2int(strlen(buf)));
    case 16:
        if (!(buf = BN_bn2hex(bn))) ossl_raise(eBNError, NULL);
        str = ossl_buf2str(buf, rb_long2int(strlen(buf)));
        ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid radix %d", base);

    return str;


  • base - integer

    • Valid values:

      • 0 - MPI

      • 2 - binary

      • 10 - the default

      • 16 - hex

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