module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging
Wraps any standard Logger object to provide tagging capabilities.
logger = logger.tagged('BCX') { 'Stuff' } # Logs "[BCX] Stuff" logger.tagged('BCX', "Jason") { 'Stuff' } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff" logger.tagged('BCX') { logger.tagged('Jason') { 'Stuff' } } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff"
This is used by the default Rails.logger as configured by Railties to make it easy to stamp log lines with subdomains, request ids, and anything else to aid debugging of multi-user production applications.
Public Class Methods
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb, line 61 def # Ensure we set a default formatter so we aren't extending nil! logger.formatter ||= logger.formatter.extend Formatter logger.extend(self) end
Public Instance Methods
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb, line 74 def flush clear_tags! super if defined?(super) end
Calls superclass method
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb, line 70 def tagged(*tags) formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self } end
© 2004–2018 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.