class ActiveStorage::Service


Abstract class serving as an interface for concrete services.

The available services are:

  • Disk, to manage attachments saved directly on the hard drive.

  • GCS, to manage attachments through Google Cloud Storage.

  • S3, to manage attachments through Amazon S3.

  • AzureStorage, to manage attachments through Microsoft Azure Storage.

  • Mirror, to be able to use several services to manage attachments.

Inside a Rails application, you can set-up your services through the generated config/storage.yml file and reference one of the aforementioned constant under the service key. For example:

  service: Disk
  root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %>

You can checkout the service's constructor to know which keys are required.

Then, in your application's configuration, you can specify the service to use like this:

config.active_storage.service = :local

If you are using Active Storage outside of a Ruby on Rails application, you can configure the service to use like this:

ActiveStorage::Blob.service = ActiveStorage::Service.configure(
  root: Pathname("/foo/bar/storage")

Public Class Methods

configure(service_name, configurations) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 50
def configure(service_name, configurations), configurations)

Configure an Active Storage service by name from a set of configurations, typically loaded from a YAML file. The Active Storage engine uses this to set the global Active Storage service when the app boots.

Public Instance Methods

delete(key) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 88
def delete(key)
  raise NotImplementedError

Delete the file at the key.

delete_prefixed(prefix) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 93
def delete_prefixed(prefix)
  raise NotImplementedError

Delete files at keys starting with the prefix.

download(key) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 78
def download(key)
  raise NotImplementedError

Return the content of the file at the key.

download_chunk(key, range) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 83
def download_chunk(key, range)
  raise NotImplementedError

Return the partial content in the byte range of the file at the key.

exist?(key) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 98
def exist?(key)
  raise NotImplementedError

Return true if a file exists at the key.

headers_for_direct_upload(key, filename:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 118
def headers_for_direct_upload(key, filename:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)

Returns a Hash of headers for url_for_direct_upload requests.

update_metadata(key, **metadata) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 74
def update_metadata(key, **metadata)

Update metadata for the file identified by key in the service. Override in subclasses only if the service needs to store specific metadata that has to be updated upon identification.

upload(key, io, checksum: nil, **options) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 67
def upload(key, io, checksum: nil, **options)
  raise NotImplementedError

Upload the io to the key specified. If a checksum is provided, the service will ensure a match when the upload has completed or raise an ActiveStorage::IntegrityError.

url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 105
def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
  raise NotImplementedError

Returns a signed, temporary URL for the file at the key. The URL will be valid for the amount of seconds specified in expires_in. You most also provide the disposition (:inline or :attachment), filename, and content_type that you wish the file to be served with on request.

url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/service.rb, line 113
def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
  raise NotImplementedError

Returns a signed, temporary URL that a direct upload file can be PUT to on the key. The URL will be valid for the amount of seconds specified in expires_in. You must also provide the content_type, content_length, and checksum of the file that will be uploaded. All these attributes will be validated by the service upon upload.

© 2004–2018 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.