Ini package
The Ini package provides support for parsing INI file formatted text.
- Currently does not support multi-line entries.
- Any keys not in a section will be placed in the section ""
Example code
// Parses the file 'example.ini' in the current working directory // Output all the content use "ini" use "files" actor Main new create(env:Env) => try let ini_file = File(FilePath(env.root as AmbientAuth, "example.ini")?) let sections = IniParse(ini_file.lines())? for section in sections.keys() do env.out.print("Section name is: " + section) for key in sections(section)?.keys() do env.out.print(key + " = " + sections(section)?(key)?) end end end
Public Types
- type IniMap
- primitive IniParse
- primitive IniIncompleteSection
- primitive IniNoDelimiter
- type IniError
- interface IniNotify
- primitive Ini
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© 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.
Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.