Interface Receiver

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public interface Receiver
extends AutoCloseable

A Receiver receives MidiEvent objects and typically does something useful in response, such as interpreting them to generate sound or raw MIDI output. Common MIDI receivers include synthesizers and MIDI Out ports.

See Also:
MidiDevice, Synthesizer, Transmitter


Modifier and Type Method and Description
void close()

Indicates that the application has finished using the receiver, and that limited resources it requires may be released or made available.

void send(MidiMessage message, long timeStamp)

Sends a MIDI message and time-stamp to this receiver.



void send(MidiMessage message,
          long timeStamp)

Sends a MIDI message and time-stamp to this receiver. If time-stamping is not supported by this receiver, the time-stamp value should be -1.

message - the MIDI message to send
timeStamp - the time-stamp for the message, in microseconds.
IllegalStateException - if the receiver is closed


void close()

Indicates that the application has finished using the receiver, and that limited resources it requires may be released or made available.

If the creation of this Receiver resulted in implicitly opening the underlying device, the device is implicitly closed by this method. This is true unless the device is kept open by other Receiver or Transmitter instances that opened the device implicitly, and unless the device has been opened explicitly. If the device this Receiver is retrieved from is closed explicitly by calling MidiDevice.close, the Receiver is closed, too. For a detailed description of open/close behaviour see the class description of MidiDevice.

Specified by:
close in interface AutoCloseable
See Also:

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