class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.AnchoredLocatorBase(bbox_to_anchor, offsetbox, loc, borderpad=0.5, bbox_transform=None)
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loc is a string or an integer specifying the legend location. The valid location codes are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4, 'right' : 5, (same as 'center right', for back-compatibility) 'center left' : 6, 'center right' : 7, 'lower center' : 8, 'upper center' : 9, 'center' : 10,
padpad around the child for drawing a frame. given in
- fraction of fontsize.
borderpad : pad between offsetbox frame and the bbox_to_anchor,
child : OffsetBox instance that will be anchored.
prop : font property. This is only used as a reference for paddings.
frameon : draw a frame box if True.
bbox_to_anchor : bbox to anchor. Use self.axes.bbox if None.
bbox_transform : with which the bbox_to_anchor will be transformed.
draw(self, renderer)
[source] -
draw the artist
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