Numerical python functions written for compatibility with MATLAB commands with the same names. Most numerical python functions can be found in the numpy
and scipy
libraries. What remains here is code for performing spectral computations.
Spectral functions
- Coherence (normalized cross spectral density)
- Cross spectral density using Welch's average periodogram
- Remove the mean or best fit line from an array
- Power spectral density using Welch's average periodogram
- Spectrogram (spectrum over segments of time)
- Return the complex-valued frequency spectrum of a signal
- Return the magnitude of the frequency spectrum of a signal
- Return the angle (wrapped phase) of the frequency spectrum of a signal
- Return the phase (unwrapped angle) of the frequency spectrum of a signal
- Remove the mean from a line.
- Remove the best fit line from a line.
- Return the original line.
- Get all windows in an array in a memory-efficient manner
- Repeat an array in a memory-efficient manner
- Apply a window along a given axis
class matplotlib.mlab.GaussianKDE(dataset, bw_method=None)
[source] -
Representation of a kernel-density estimate using Gaussian kernels.
Parameters: -
dataset : array_like
Datapoints to estimate from. In case of univariate data this is a 1-D array, otherwise a 2-D array with shape (# of dims, # of data).
bw_method : str, scalar or callable, optional
The method used to calculate the estimator bandwidth. This can be 'scott', 'silverman', a scalar constant or a callable. If a scalar, this will be used directly as
. If a callable, it should take aGaussianKDE
instance as only parameter and return a scalar. If None (default), 'scott' is used.
Attributes: -
dataset : ndarray
The dataset with which
was initialized. -
dim : int
Number of dimensions.
num_dp : int
Number of datapoints.
factor : float
The bandwidth factor, obtained from
, with which the covariance matrix is multiplied. -
covariance : ndarray
The covariance matrix of
, scaled by the calculated bandwidth (kde.factor
). -
inv_cov : ndarray
The inverse of
kde.evaluate(points) (ndarray) Evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points. kde(points) (ndarray) Same as kde.evaluate(points) -
evaluate(self, points)
[source] -
Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.
Parameters: -
points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and treated as a single point.
Returns: -
values : (# of points,)-array
The values at each point.
Raises: -
ValueError : if the dimensionality of the input points is different
than the dimensionality of the KDE.
matplotlib.mlab.angle_spectrum(x, Fs=None, window=None, pad_to=None, sides=None)
[source] -
Compute the angle of the frequency spectrum (wrapped phase spectrum) of x. Data is padded to a length of pad_to and the windowing function window is applied to the signal.
Parameters: -
x : 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to the length of the input signal (i.e. no padding).
Returns: -
spectrum : 1-D array
The values for the angle spectrum in radians (real valued)
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in spectrum
See also
- This function returns the angle value of
. -
- Returns the magnitudes of the corresponding frequencies.
- Returns the phase (unwrapped angle) of the corresponding frequencies.
- Can return the complex spectrum of segments within the signal.
matplotlib.mlab.apply_window(x, window, axis=0, return_window=None)
[source] -
Apply the given window to the given 1D or 2D array along the given axis.
Parameters: -
x : 1D or 2D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data.
window : function or array.
Either a function to generate a window or an array with length x.shape[axis]
axis : integer
The axis over which to do the repetition. Must be 0 or 1. The default is 0
return_window : bool
If true, also return the 1D values of the window that was applied
matplotlib.mlab.cohere(x, y, NFFT=256, Fs=2, detrend=<function detrend_none at 0x7f8092177c80>, window=<function window_hanning at 0x7f8092177510>, noverlap=0, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None)
[source] -
The coherence between x and y. Coherence is the normalized cross spectral density:
\[C_{xy} = \frac{|P_{xy}|^2}{P_{xx}P_{yy}}\]Parameters: - x, y
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. This can be different from NFFT, which specifies the number of data points used. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to NFFT
NFFT : int
The number of data points used in each block for the FFT. A power 2 is most efficient. The default value is 256. This should NOT be used to get zero padding, or the scaling of the result will be incorrect. Use pad_to for this instead.
detrend : {'none', 'mean', 'linear'} or callable, default 'none'
The function applied to each segment before fft-ing, designed to remove the mean or linear trend. Unlike in MATLAB, where the detrend parameter is a vector, in Matplotlib is it a function. The
module definesdetrend_none
, anddetrend_linear
, but you can use a custom function as well. You can also use a string to choose one of the functions: 'none' callsdetrend_none
. 'mean' callsdetrend_mean
. 'linear' callsdetrend_linear
. -
scale_by_freq : bool, optional
Specifies whether the resulting density values should be scaled by the scaling frequency, which gives density in units of Hz^-1. This allows for integration over the returned frequency values. The default is True for MATLAB compatibility.
noverlap : integer
The number of points of overlap between blocks. The default value is 0 (no overlap).
Returns: - The return value is the tuple (Cxy, f), where f are the
- frequencies of the coherence vector. For cohere, scaling the
- individual densities by the sampling frequency has no effect,
- since the factors cancel out.
See also
- For information about the methods used to compute \(P_{xy}\), \(P_{xx}\) and \(P_{yy}\).
matplotlib.mlab.complex_spectrum(x, Fs=None, window=None, pad_to=None, sides=None)
[source] -
Compute the complex-valued frequency spectrum of x. Data is padded to a length of pad_to and the windowing function window is applied to the signal.
Parameters: -
x : 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to the length of the input signal (i.e. no padding).
Returns: -
spectrum : 1-D array
The values for the complex spectrum (complex valued)
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in spectrum
See also
- Returns the absolute value of this function.
- Returns the angle of this function.
- Returns the phase (unwrapped angle) of this function.
- Can return the complex spectrum of segments within the signal.
matplotlib.mlab.csd(x, y, NFFT=None, Fs=None, detrend=None, window=None, noverlap=None, pad_to=None, sides=None, scale_by_freq=None)
[source] -
Compute the cross-spectral density.
The cross spectral density \(P_{xy}\) by Welch's average periodogram method. The vectors x and y are divided into NFFT length segments. Each segment is detrended by function detrend and windowed by function window. noverlap gives the length of the overlap between segments. The product of the direct FFTs of x and y are averaged over each segment to compute \(P_{xy}\), with a scaling to correct for power loss due to windowing.
If len(x) < NFFT or len(y) < NFFT, they will be zero padded to NFFT.
Parameters: -
x, y : 1-D arrays or sequences
Arrays or sequences containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. This can be different from NFFT, which specifies the number of data points used. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to NFFT
NFFT : int
The number of data points used in each block for the FFT. A power 2 is most efficient. The default value is 256. This should NOT be used to get zero padding, or the scaling of the result will be incorrect. Use pad_to for this instead.
detrend : {'none', 'mean', 'linear'} or callable, default 'none'
The function applied to each segment before fft-ing, designed to remove the mean or linear trend. Unlike in MATLAB, where the detrend parameter is a vector, in Matplotlib is it a function. The
module definesdetrend_none
, anddetrend_linear
, but you can use a custom function as well. You can also use a string to choose one of the functions: 'none' callsdetrend_none
. 'mean' callsdetrend_mean
. 'linear' callsdetrend_linear
. -
scale_by_freq : bool, optional
Specifies whether the resulting density values should be scaled by the scaling frequency, which gives density in units of Hz^-1. This allows for integration over the returned frequency values. The default is True for MATLAB compatibility.
noverlap : integer
The number of points of overlap between segments. The default value is 0 (no overlap).
Returns: -
Pxy : 1-D array
The values for the cross spectrum
before scaling (real valued) -
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in Pxy
See also
- equivalent to setting
y = x
Bendat & Piersol -- Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, John Wiley & Sons (1986)
matplotlib.mlab.demean(x, axis=0)
[source] -
[Deprecated] Return x minus its mean along the specified axis.
Parameters: -
x : array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data Can have any dimensionality
axis : integer
The axis along which to take the mean. See numpy.mean for a description of this argument.
See also
- Same as
except for the default axis.
Deprecated since version 3.1.
matplotlib.mlab.detrend(x, key=None, axis=None)
[source] -
Return x with its trend removed.
Parameters: -
x : array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data.
key : [ 'default' | 'constant' | 'mean' | 'linear' | 'none'] or function
Specifies the detrend algorithm to use. 'default' is 'mean', which is the same as
. 'constant' is the same. 'linear' is the same asdetrend_linear
. 'none' is the same asdetrend_none
. The default is 'mean'. See the corresponding functions for more details regarding the algorithms. Can also be a function that carries out the detrend operation. -
axis : integer
The axis along which to do the detrending.
See also
- Implementation of the 'mean' algorithm.
- Implementation of the 'linear' algorithm.
- Implementation of the 'none' algorithm.
[source] -
Return x minus best fit line; 'linear' detrending.
Parameters: -
y : 0-D or 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
axis : integer
The axis along which to take the mean. See numpy.mean for a description of this argument.
See also
- Another detrend algorithm.
- Another detrend algorithm.
- A wrapper around all the detrend algorithms.
matplotlib.mlab.detrend_mean(x, axis=None)
[source] -
Return x minus the mean(x).
Parameters: -
x : array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data Can have any dimensionality
axis : integer
The axis along which to take the mean. See numpy.mean for a description of this argument.
See also
- Another detrend algorithm.
- Another detrend algorithm.
- A wrapper around all the detrend algorithms.
matplotlib.mlab.detrend_none(x, axis=None)
[source] -
Return x: no detrending.
Parameters: -
x : any object
An object containing the data
axis : integer
This parameter is ignored. It is included for compatibility with detrend_mean
See also
- Another detrend algorithm.
- Another detrend algorithm.
- A wrapper around all the detrend algorithms.
matplotlib.mlab.magnitude_spectrum(x, Fs=None, window=None, pad_to=None, sides=None)
[source] -
Compute the magnitude (absolute value) of the frequency spectrum of x. Data is padded to a length of pad_to and the windowing function window is applied to the signal.
Parameters: -
x : 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to the length of the input signal (i.e. no padding).
Returns: -
spectrum : 1-D array
The values for the magnitude spectrum (real valued)
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in spectrum
See also
- Returns the power spectral density.
- This function returns the absolute value of
. -
- Returns the angles of the corresponding frequencies.
- Returns the phase (unwrapped angle) of the corresponding frequencies.
- Can return the complex spectrum of segments within the signal.
matplotlib.mlab.phase_spectrum(x, Fs=None, window=None, pad_to=None, sides=None)
[source] -
Compute the phase of the frequency spectrum (unwrapped angle spectrum) of x. Data is padded to a length of pad_to and the windowing function window is applied to the signal.
Parameters: -
x : 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to the length of the input signal (i.e. no padding).
Returns: -
spectrum : 1-D array
The values for the phase spectrum in radians (real valued)
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in spectrum
See also
- This function returns the phase value of
. -
- Returns the magnitudes of the corresponding frequencies.
- Returns the angle (wrapped phase) of the corresponding frequencies.
- Can return the complex spectrum of segments within the signal.
matplotlib.mlab.psd(x, NFFT=None, Fs=None, detrend=None, window=None, noverlap=None, pad_to=None, sides=None, scale_by_freq=None)
[source] -
Compute the power spectral density.
The power spectral density \(P_{xx}\) by Welch's average periodogram method. The vector x is divided into NFFT length segments. Each segment is detrended by function detrend and windowed by function window. noverlap gives the length of the overlap between segments. The \(|\mathrm{fft}(i)|^2\) of each segment \(i\) are averaged to compute \(P_{xx}\).
If len(x) < NFFT, it will be zero padded to NFFT.
Parameters: -
x : 1-D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. This can be different from NFFT, which specifies the number of data points used. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to NFFT
NFFT : int
The number of data points used in each block for the FFT. A power 2 is most efficient. The default value is 256. This should NOT be used to get zero padding, or the scaling of the result will be incorrect. Use pad_to for this instead.
detrend : {'none', 'mean', 'linear'} or callable, default 'none'
The function applied to each segment before fft-ing, designed to remove the mean or linear trend. Unlike in MATLAB, where the detrend parameter is a vector, in Matplotlib is it a function. The
module definesdetrend_none
, anddetrend_linear
, but you can use a custom function as well. You can also use a string to choose one of the functions: 'none' callsdetrend_none
. 'mean' callsdetrend_mean
. 'linear' callsdetrend_linear
. -
scale_by_freq : bool, optional
Specifies whether the resulting density values should be scaled by the scaling frequency, which gives density in units of Hz^-1. This allows for integration over the returned frequency values. The default is True for MATLAB compatibility.
noverlap : integer
The number of points of overlap between segments. The default value is 0 (no overlap).
Returns: -
Pxx : 1-D array
The values for the power spectrum
(real valued) -
freqs : 1-D array
The frequencies corresponding to the elements in Pxx
See also
differs in the default overlap; in not returning the mean of the segment periodograms; and in returning the times of the segments. -
- returns the magnitude spectrum.
- returns the spectral density between two signals.
Bendat & Piersol -- Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, John Wiley & Sons (1986)
matplotlib.mlab.specgram(x, NFFT=None, Fs=None, detrend=None, window=None, noverlap=None, pad_to=None, sides=None, scale_by_freq=None, mode=None)
[source] -
Compute a spectrogram.
Compute and plot a spectrogram of data in x. Data are split into NFFT length segments and the spectrum of each section is computed. The windowing function window is applied to each segment, and the amount of overlap of each segment is specified with noverlap.
Parameters: -
x : array_like
1-D array or sequence.
Fs : scalar
The sampling frequency (samples per time unit). It is used to calculate the Fourier frequencies, freqs, in cycles per time unit. The default value is 2.
window : callable or ndarray
A function or a vector of length NFFT. To create window vectors see
, etc. The default iswindow_hanning
. If a function is passed as the argument, it must take a data segment as an argument and return the windowed version of the segment. -
sides : {'default', 'onesided', 'twosided'}
Specifies which sides of the spectrum to return. Default gives the default behavior, which returns one-sided for real data and both for complex data. 'onesided' forces the return of a one-sided spectrum, while 'twosided' forces two-sided.
pad_to : int
The number of points to which the data segment is padded when performing the FFT. This can be different from NFFT, which specifies the number of data points used. While not increasing the actual resolution of the spectrum (the minimum distance between resolvable peaks), this can give more points in the plot, allowing for more detail. This corresponds to the n parameter in the call to fft(). The default is None, which sets pad_to equal to NFFT
NFFT : int
The number of data points used in each block for the FFT. A power 2 is most efficient. The default value is 256. This should NOT be used to get zero padding, or the scaling of the result will be incorrect. Use pad_to for this instead.
detrend : {'none', 'mean', 'linear'} or callable, default 'none'
The function applied to each segment before fft-ing, designed to remove the mean or linear trend. Unlike in MATLAB, where the detrend parameter is a vector, in Matplotlib is it a function. The
module definesdetrend_none
, anddetrend_linear
, but you can use a custom function as well. You can also use a string to choose one of the functions: 'none' callsdetrend_none
. 'mean' callsdetrend_mean
. 'linear' callsdetrend_linear
. -
scale_by_freq : bool, optional
Specifies whether the resulting density values should be scaled by the scaling frequency, which gives density in units of Hz^-1. This allows for integration over the returned frequency values. The default is True for MATLAB compatibility.
noverlap : int, optional
The number of points of overlap between blocks. The default value is 128.
mode : str, optional
- What sort of spectrum to use, default is 'psd'.
- 'psd'
Returns the power spectral density.
- 'complex'
Returns the complex-valued frequency spectrum.
- 'magnitude'
Returns the magnitude spectrum.
- 'angle'
Returns the phase spectrum without unwrapping.
- 'phase'
Returns the phase spectrum with unwrapping.
Returns: -
spectrum : array_like
2-D array, columns are the periodograms of successive segments.
freqs : array_like
1-D array, frequencies corresponding to the rows in spectrum.
t : array_like
1-D array, the times corresponding to midpoints of segments (i.e the columns in spectrum).
See also
- differs in the overlap and in the return values.
- similar, but with complex valued frequencies.
- similar single segment when mode is 'magnitude'.
- similar to single segment when mode is 'angle'.
- similar to single segment when mode is 'phase'.
detrend and scale_by_freq only apply when mode is set to 'psd'.
matplotlib.mlab.stride_repeat(x, n, axis=0)
[source] -
Repeat the values in an array in a memory-efficient manner. Array x is stacked vertically n times.
It is not safe to write to the output array. Multiple elements may point to the same piece of memory, so modifying one value may change others.
Parameters: -
x : 1D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data.
n : integer
The number of time to repeat the array.
axis : integer
The axis along which the data will run.
matplotlib.mlab.stride_windows(x, n, noverlap=None, axis=0)
[source] -
Get all windows of x with length n as a single array, using strides to avoid data duplication.
It is not safe to write to the output array. Multiple elements may point to the same piece of memory, so modifying one value may change others.
Parameters: -
x : 1D array or sequence
Array or sequence containing the data.
n : integer
The number of data points in each window.
noverlap : integer
The overlap between adjacent windows. Default is 0 (no overlap)
axis : integer
The axis along which the windows will run.
stackoverflow: Rolling window for 1D arrays in Numpy? stackoverflow: Using strides for an efficient moving average filter
[source] -
Return x times the hanning window of len(x).
See also
- Another window algorithm.
[source] -
No window function; simply return x.
See also
- Another window algorithm.
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Licensed under the Matplotlib License Agreement.