class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_rgb.RGBAxesBase(*args, pad=0, add_all=True, **kwargs)
[source] -
base class for a 4-panel imshow (RGB, R, G, B)
Layout: +---------------+-----+ | | R | + +-----+ | RGB | G | + +-----+ | | B | +---------------+-----+
Attributes: -
_defaultAxesClass : matplotlib.axes.Axes
defaults to 'Axes' in RGBAxes child class. No default in abstract base class
RGB : _defaultAxesClass
The axes object for the three-channel imshow
R : _defaultAxesClass
The axes object for the red channel imshow
G : _defaultAxesClass
The axes object for the green channel imshow
B : _defaultAxesClass
The axes object for the blue channel imshow
Parameters: -
pad : float
fraction of the axes height to put as padding. defaults to 0.0
add_all : bool
True: Add the {rgb, r, g, b} axes to the figure defaults to True.
axes_class : matplotlib.axes.Axes
- *args
Unpacked into axes_class() init for RGB
- **kwargs
Unpacked into axes_class() init for RGB, R, G, B axes
[source] -
Add the red, green and blue axes to the RGB composite's axes figure
imshow_rgb(self, r, g, b, **kwargs)
[source] -
Create the four images {rgb, r, g, b}
Parameters: -
r : array-like
The red array
g : array-like
The green array
b : array-like
The blue array
kwargs : imshow kwargs
kwargs get unpacked into the imshow calls for the four images
Returns: -
rgb : matplotlib.image.AxesImage
r : matplotlib.image.AxesImage
g : matplotlib.image.AxesImage
b : matplotlib.image.AxesImage
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