class mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection(segments, linewidths=None, colors=None, antialiaseds=None, linestyles='solid', offsets=None, transOffset=None, norm=None, cmap=None, pickradius=5, zorder=2, facecolors='none', **kwargs)
[source] -
A collection of 3D lines.
Parameters: - segments
A sequence of (line0, line1, line2), where:
linen = (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ... (xm, ym)
or the equivalent numpy array with two columns. Each line can be a different length.
colors : sequence, optional
A sequence of RGBA tuples (e.g., arbitrary color strings, etc, not allowed).
antialiaseds : sequence, optional
A sequence of ones or zeros.
linestyles : string, tuple, optional
Either one of [ 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dashdot' | 'dotted' ], or a dash tuple. The dash tuple is:
(offset, onoffseq)
is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points. -
norm : Normalize, optional
instance. -
cmap : string or Colormap, optional
Colormap name or
instance. -
pickradius : float, optional
The tolerance in points for mouse clicks picking a line. Default is 5 pt.
zorder : int, optional
zorder of the LineCollection. Default is 2.
facecolors : optional
The facecolors of the LineCollection. Default is 'none'. Setting to a value other than 'none' will lead to a filled polygon being drawn between points on each line.
If linewidths, colors, or antialiaseds is None, they default to their rcParams setting, in sequence form.
If offsets and transOffset are not None, then offsets are transformed by transOffset and applied after the segments have been transformed to display coordinates.
If offsets is not None but transOffset is None, then the offsets are added to the segments before any transformation. In this case, a single offset can be specified as:
and this value will be added cumulatively to each successive segment, so as to produce a set of successively offset curves.
The use of
is optional. If theScalarMappable
is not None (i.e., a call toset_array()
has been made), at draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the colors.-
do_3d_projection(self, renderer)
[source] -
Project the points according to renderer matrix.
draw(self, renderer, project=False)
[source] -
Draw the Artist using the given renderer.
This method will be overridden in the Artist subclasses. Typically, it is implemented to not have any effect if the Artist is not visible (
is False).Parameters: -
renderer : RendererBase subclass.
set_segments(self, segments)
[source] -
Set 3D segments.
set_sort_zpos(self, val)
[source] -
Set the position to use for z-sorting.
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