
class matplotlib.backends.backend_mixed.MixedModeRenderer(figure, width, height, dpi, vector_renderer, raster_renderer_class=None, bbox_inches_restore=None) [source]

Bases: object

A helper class to implement a renderer that switches between vector and raster drawing. An example may be a PDF writer, where most things are drawn with PDF vector commands, but some very complex objects, such as quad meshes, are rasterised and then output as images.

figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure

The figure instance.

width : scalar

The width of the canvas in logical units

height : scalar

The height of the canvas in logical units

dpi : scalar

The dpi of the canvas

vector_renderer : matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase

An instance of a subclass of RendererBase that will be used for the vector drawing.

raster_renderer_class : matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase

The renderer class to use for the raster drawing. If not provided, this will use the Agg backend (which is currently the only viable option anyway.)

start_rasterizing() [source]

Enter "raster" mode. All subsequent drawing commands (until stop_rasterizing is called) will be drawn with the raster backend.

If start_rasterizing is called multiple times before stop_rasterizing is called, this method has no effect.

stop_rasterizing() [source]

Exit "raster" mode. All of the drawing that was done since the last start_rasterizing command will be copied to the vector backend by calling draw_image.

If stop_rasterizing is called multiple times before start_rasterizing is called, this method has no effect.

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