A collection of functions and objects for creating or placing inset axes.
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.AnchoredLocatorBase(bbox_to_anchor, offsetbox, loc, borderpad=0.5, bbox_transform=None)
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.AnchoredSizeLocator(bbox_to_anchor, x_size, y_size, loc, borderpad=0.5, bbox_transform=None)
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.AnchoredZoomLocator(parent_axes, zoom, loc, borderpad=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=None, bbox_transform=None)
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.BboxConnector(bbox1, bbox2, loc1, loc2=None, **kwargs)
Connect two bboxes with a straight line.
Parameters: bbox1, bbox2 :
Bounding boxes to connect.
loc1 : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corner of bbox1 to draw the line. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
loc2 : {1, 2, 3, 4}, optional
Corner of bbox2 to draw the line. If None, defaults to loc1. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
Patch properties for the line drawn. Valid arguments include:
Property Description agg_filter
unknown alpha
float or None animated
[True | False] antialiased
or aa[True | False] or None for default axes
an Axes
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color
matplotlib color spec contains
a callable function edgecolor
or ecmpl color spec, None, ‘none’, or ‘auto’ facecolor
or fcmpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color figure
a matplotlib.figure.Figure
[True | False] gid
an id string hatch
[‘/’ | ‘\’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’] joinstyle
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’] label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. linestyle
or ls[‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-'
|' '
or lwfloat or None for default path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] zorder
any number -
static connect_bbox(bbox1, bbox2, loc1, loc2=None)
Helper function to obtain a Path from one bbox to another.
Parameters: bbox1, bbox2 :
Bounding boxes to connect.
loc1 : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corner of bbox1 to use. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
loc2 : {1, 2, 3, 4}, optional
Corner of bbox2 to use. If None, defaults to loc1. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
Returns: path :
A line segment from the loc1 corner of bbox1 to the loc2 corner of bbox2.
static get_bbox_edge_pos(bbox, loc)
Helper function to obtain the location of a corner of a bbox
Parameters: bbox :
loc : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corner of bbox. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
Returns: x, y : float
Coordinates of the corner specified by loc.
Return the path of this patch
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.BboxConnectorPatch(bbox1, bbox2, loc1a, loc2a, loc1b, loc2b, **kwargs)
Connect two bboxes with a quadrilateral.
The quadrilateral is specified by two lines that start and end at corners of the bboxes. The four sides of the quadrilateral are defined by the two lines given, the line between the two corners specified in bbox1 and the line between the two corners specified in bbox2.
Parameters: bbox1, bbox2 :
Bounding boxes to connect.
loc1a, loc2a : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corners of bbox1 and bbox2 to draw the first line. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
loc1b, loc2b : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corners of bbox1 and bbox2 to draw the second line. Valid values are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4
Patch properties for the line drawn:
Property Description agg_filter
unknown alpha
float or None animated
[True | False] antialiased
or aa[True | False] or None for default axes
an Axes
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color
matplotlib color spec contains
a callable function edgecolor
or ecmpl color spec, None, ‘none’, or ‘auto’ facecolor
or fcmpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color figure
a matplotlib.figure.Figure
[True | False] gid
an id string hatch
[‘/’ | ‘\’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’] joinstyle
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’] label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. linestyle
or ls[‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-'
|' '
or lwfloat or None for default path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] zorder
any number -
Return the path of this patch
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.BboxPatch(bbox, **kwargs)
Patch showing the shape bounded by a Bbox.
Parameters: bbox :
Bbox to use for the extents of this patch.
Patch properties. Valid arguments include:
Property Description agg_filter
unknown alpha
float or None animated
[True | False] antialiased
or aa[True | False] or None for default axes
an Axes
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color
matplotlib color spec contains
a callable function edgecolor
or ecmpl color spec, None, ‘none’, or ‘auto’ facecolor
or fcmpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color figure
a matplotlib.figure.Figure
[True | False] gid
an id string hatch
[‘/’ | ‘\’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’] joinstyle
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’] label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. linestyle
or ls[‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-'
|' '
or lwfloat or None for default path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] zorder
any number -
Return the path of this patch
class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.InsetPosition(parent, lbwh)
An object for positioning an inset axes.
This is created by specifying the normalized coordinates in the axes, instead of the figure.
Parameters: parent :
Axes to use for normalizing coordinates.
lbwh : iterable of four floats
The left edge, bottom edge, width, and height of the inset axes, in units of the normalized coordinate of the parent axes.
The following bounds the inset axes to a box with 20% of the parent axes’s height and 40% of the width. The size of the axes specified ([0, 0, 1, 1]) ensures that the axes completely fills the bounding box:
>>> parent_axes = plt.gca() >>> ax_ins = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> ip = InsetPosition(ax, [0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2]) >>> ax_ins.set_axes_locator(ip)
mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.inset_axes(parent_axes, width, height, loc=1, bbox_to_anchor=None, bbox_transform=None, axes_class=None, axes_kwargs=None, borderpad=0.5)
Create an inset axes with a given width and height.
Both sizes used can be specified either in inches or percentage of the parent axes.
Parameters: parent_axes :
Axes to place the inset axes.
width, height : float or str
Size of the inset axes to create.
loc : int or string, optional, default to 1
Location to place the inset axes. The valid locations are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4, 'right' : 5, 'center left' : 6, 'center right' : 7, 'lower center' : 8, 'upper center' : 9, 'center' : 10
bbox_to_anchor : tuple or
, optionalBbox that the inset axes will be anchored. Can be a tuple of [left, bottom, width, height], or a tuple of [left, bottom].
bbox_transform :
, optionalTransformation for the bbox. if None,
is used.axes_class :
type, optionalIf specified, the inset axes created with be created with this class’s constructor.
axes_kwargs : dict, optional
Keyworded arguments to pass to the constructor of the inset axes. Valid arguments include:
Property Description adjustable
[ ‘box’ | ‘datalim’ | ‘box-forced’] agg_filter
unknown alpha
float (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque) anchor
unknown animated
[True | False] aspect
unknown autoscale_on
unknown autoscalex_on
unknown autoscaley_on
unknown axes
an Axes
unknown axisbelow
[ True | False | ‘line’ ] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color_cycle
unknown contains
a callable function facecolor
unknown fc
unknown figure
unknown frame_on
[ True | False ] gid
an id string label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. navigate
[ True | False ] navigate_mode
unknown path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] position
unknown rasterization_zorder
unknown rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown title
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] xbound
unknown xlabel
unknown xlim
unknown xmargin
unknown xscale
[‘linear’ | ‘log’ | ‘logit’ | ‘symlog’] xticklabels
sequence of strings xticks
sequence of floats ybound
unknown ylabel
unknown ylim
unknown ymargin
unknown yscale
[‘linear’ | ‘log’ | ‘logit’ | ‘symlog’] yticklabels
sequence of strings yticks
sequence of floats zorder
any number borderpad : float, optional
Padding between inset axes and the bbox_to_anchor. Defaults to 0.5.
Returns: inset_axes :
Inset axes object created.
mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.mark_inset(parent_axes, inset_axes, loc1, loc2, **kwargs)
Draw a box to mark the location of an area represented by an inset axes.
This function draws a box in parent_axes at the bounding box of inset_axes, and shows a connection with the inset axes by drawing lines at the corners, giving a “zoomed in” effect.
Parameters: parent_axes :
Axes which contains the area of the inset axes.
inset_axes :
The inset axes.
loc1, loc2 : {1, 2, 3, 4}
Corners to use for connecting the inset axes and the area in the parent axes.
Patch properties for the lines and box drawn:
Property Description agg_filter
unknown alpha
float or None animated
[True | False] antialiased
or aa[True | False] or None for default axes
an Axes
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color
matplotlib color spec contains
a callable function edgecolor
or ecmpl color spec, None, ‘none’, or ‘auto’ facecolor
or fcmpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color figure
a matplotlib.figure.Figure
[True | False] gid
an id string hatch
[‘/’ | ‘\’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’] joinstyle
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’] label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. linestyle
or ls[‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-'
|' '
or lwfloat or None for default path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] zorder
any number Returns: The patch drawn to represent the area of the inset axes.
p1, p2 :
The patches connecting two corners of the inset axes and its area.
mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.zoomed_inset_axes(parent_axes, zoom, loc=1, bbox_to_anchor=None, bbox_transform=None, axes_class=None, axes_kwargs=None, borderpad=0.5)
Create an anchored inset axes by scaling a parent axes.
Parameters: parent_axes :
Axes to place the inset axes.
zoom : float
Scaling factor of the data axes. zoom > 1 will enlargen the coordinates (i.e., “zoomed in”), while zoom < 1 will shrink the coordinates (i.e., “zoomed out”).
loc : int or string, optional, default to 1
Location to place the inset axes. The valid locations are:
'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4, 'right' : 5, 'center left' : 6, 'center right' : 7, 'lower center' : 8, 'upper center' : 9, 'center' : 10
bbox_to_anchor : tuple or
, optionalBbox that the inset axes will be anchored. Can be a tuple of [left, bottom, width, height], or a tuple of [left, bottom].
bbox_transform :
, optionalTransformation for the bbox. if None,
is used.axes_class :
type, optionalIf specified, the inset axes created with be created with this class’s constructor.
axes_kwargs : dict, optional
Keyworded arguments to pass to the constructor of the inset axes. Valid arguments include:
Property Description adjustable
[ ‘box’ | ‘datalim’ | ‘box-forced’] agg_filter
unknown alpha
float (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque) anchor
unknown animated
[True | False] aspect
unknown autoscale_on
unknown autoscalex_on
unknown autoscaley_on
unknown axes
an Axes
unknown axisbelow
[ True | False | ‘line’ ] clip_box
a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox
[True | False] clip_path
[ ( Path
) |Patch
| None ]color_cycle
unknown contains
a callable function facecolor
unknown fc
unknown figure
unknown frame_on
[ True | False ] gid
an id string label
string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. navigate
[ True | False ] navigate_mode
unknown path_effects
unknown picker
[None|float|boolean|callable] position
unknown rasterization_zorder
unknown rasterized
[True | False | None] sketch_params
unknown snap
unknown title
unknown transform
a url string visible
[True | False] xbound
unknown xlabel
unknown xlim
unknown xmargin
unknown xscale
[‘linear’ | ‘log’ | ‘logit’ | ‘symlog’] xticklabels
sequence of strings xticks
sequence of floats ybound
unknown ylabel
unknown ylim
unknown ymargin
unknown yscale
[‘linear’ | ‘log’ | ‘logit’ | ‘symlog’] yticklabels
sequence of strings yticks
sequence of floats zorder
any number borderpad : float, optional
Padding between inset axes and the bbox_to_anchor. Defaults to 0.5.
Returns: inset_axes :
Inset axes object created.
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