LaTeX has support for making new commands of many different kinds.
• \newcommand & \renewcommand | (Re)define a new command. | |
• \providecommand | Define a new command, if name not used. | |
• \makeatletter & \makeatother | Change the status of the at-sign character. | |
• \@ifstar | Define your own commands with *-variants. | |
• \newcounter | Define a new counter. | |
• \newlength | Define a new length. | |
• \newsavebox | Define a new box. | |
• \newenvironment & \renewenvironment | Define a new environment. | |
• \newtheorem | Define a new theorem-like environment. | |
• \newfont | Define a new font name. | |
• \protect | Using tricky commands. | |
• \ignorespaces & \ignorespacesafterend | Discard extra spaces. |
© 2007–2018 Karl Berry
Public Domain Software