{\raggedright ... }
\begin{environment} \raggedright ... \end{environment}
A declaration which causes lines to be flush to the left margin and ragged right. It can be used inside an environment such as quote
or in a parbox
. For the environment form see flushleft.
Unlike the flushleft
environment, the \raggedright
command does not start a new paragraph; it only changes how LaTeX formats paragraph units. To affect a paragraph unit’s format, the scope of the declaration must contain the blank line or \end
command that ends the paragraph unit.
Here \raggedright
in each second column keeps LaTeX from doing very awkward typesetting to fit the text into the narrow column. Note that \raggedright
is inside the curly braces {...}
to delimit its effect.
\begin{tabular}{rp{2in}} Team alpha &{\raggedright This team does all the real work.} \\ Team beta &{\raggedright This team ensures that the water cooler is never empty.} \\ \end{tabular}
© 2007–2018 Karl Berry
Public Domain Software