Upgrade from 1.2.0-beta versions
Versions: 1.2.0-beta1 through 1.2.0-beta9
Version 1.3.x.x is a drop-in upgrade for the 1.2.0-beta releases. Just download and install the most recent version and restart the process. Note that in versions 1.3.1+, installing a new version of Chronograf automatically clears the localStorage settings.
Upgrade from older versions
Versions: 0.4, 0.10 through 0.13, and 1.0
The closed source Chronograf product is deprecated and is no longer supported or developed. There is no path for upgrading to the all-new open source product. Users can continue to use the deprecated product; the documentation is available under the Deprecated
header in the sidebar. For more information, please read the original announcement blog by our CTO, Paul Dix.
We highly recommend moving to the open source Chronograf product. It’s pretty great, we promise! Check out the Getting Started guide to get up and running!
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Licensed under the MIT license.