
package js.lib

Available on js

Reflect is a built-in object that provides methods for interceptable JavaScript operations. The methods are the same as those of proxy handlers. Reflect is not a function object, so it's not constructible.

Documentation Reflect by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

Static methods

staticapply<T>(target:Function, thisArgument:{}, argumentsList:Array<Any>):T

Calls a target function with arguments as specified by the args parameter. See also Function.prototype.apply().

staticconstruct<T, S>(target:Class<T>, argumentsList:Array<Any>, ?newTarget:Class<S>):T

The new operator as a function. Equivalent to calling new target(...args). Provides also the optional possibility to specify a different prototype.

staticdefineProperty(target:{}, propertyKey:String, attributes:ObjectPropertyDescriptor):Bool

Similar to Object.defineProperty(). Returns a Bool.

staticdeleteProperty(target:{}, propertyKey:String):Bool

staticdeleteProperty<T>(target:Array<T>, propertyKey:Int):Bool

The delete operator as a function. Equivalent to calling delete target[name].

staticget<T>(target:{}, propertyKey:String, ?receiver:{}):Null<T>

staticget<T>(target:Array<T>, propertyKey:Int, ?receiver:{}):Null<T>

A function that returns the value of properties.

staticgetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target:{}, propertyKey:String):Null<ObjectPropertyDescriptor>

Similar to Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(). Returns a property descriptor of the given property if it exists on the object, undefined otherwise.


Same as Object.getPrototypeOf().

statichas(target:{}, propertyKey:String):Bool

The in operator as function. Returns a boolean indicating whether an own or inherited property exists.


Same as Object.isExtensible().


Returns an array of the target object's own (not inherited) property keys.


Similar to Object.preventExtensions(). Returns a Bool.

staticset<T>(target:{}, propertyKey:String, value:T, ?receiver:{}):Bool

staticset<T>(target:Array<T>, propertyKey:Int, value:T, ?receiver:{}):Bool

A function that assigns values to properties. Returns a Bool that is true if the update was successful.

staticsetPrototypeOf<TProto>(target:{}, prototype:TProto):Bool

A function that sets the prototype of an object.

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