
package js.html.svg

extends ElementDOMElementNodeEventTarget

Available on js

The SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement interface corresponds to the feDiffuseLighting element.

Documentation SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:


read onlydiffuseConstant:AnimatedNumber

An SVGAnimatedNumber corresponding to the diffuseConstant attribute of the given element.

read onlyheight:AnimatedLength

read onlyin1:AnimatedString

An SVGAnimatedString corresponding to the in attribute of the given element.

read onlykernelUnitLengthX:AnimatedNumber

An SVGAnimatedNumber corresponding to the X component of the kernelUnitLength attribute of the given element.

read onlykernelUnitLengthY:AnimatedNumber

An SVGAnimatedNumber corresponding to the Y component of the kernelUnitLength attribute of the given element.

read onlyresult:AnimatedString

read onlysurfaceScale:AnimatedNumber

An SVGAnimatedNumber corresponding to the surfaceScale attribute of the given element.

read onlywidth:AnimatedLength

read onlyx:AnimatedLength

read onlyy:AnimatedLength

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Licensed under a MIT license.