disallow whitespace before properties (no-whitespace-before-property)
The --fix
option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.
JavaScript allows whitespace between objects and their properties. However, inconsistent spacing can make code harder to read and can lead to errors.
foo. bar .baz . quz
Rule Details
This rule disallows whitespace around the dot or before the opening bracket before properties of objects if they are on the same line. This rule allows whitespace when the object and property are on separate lines, as it is common to add newlines to longer chains of properties:
foo .bar() .baz() .qux()
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
/*eslint no-whitespace-before-property: "error"*/ foo [bar] foo. bar foo .bar foo. bar. baz foo. bar() .baz() foo .bar(). baz()
Examples of correct code for this rule:
/*eslint no-whitespace-before-property: "error"*/ foo.bar foo[bar] foo[ bar ] foo.bar.baz foo .bar().baz() foo .bar() .baz() foo. bar(). baz()
When Not To Use It
Turn this rule off if you do not care about allowing whitespace around the dot or before the opening bracket before properties of objects if they are on the same line.
This rule was introduced in ESLint 2.0.0-beta.1.
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