enforce a maximum depth that callbacks can be nested (max-nested-callbacks)
Many JavaScript libraries use the callback pattern to manage asynchronous operations. A program of any complexity will most likely need to manage several asynchronous operations at various levels of concurrency. A common pitfall that is easy to fall into is nesting callbacks, which makes code more difficult to read the deeper the callbacks are nested.
foo(function () { bar(function () { baz(function() { qux(function () { }); }); }); });
Rule Details
This rule enforces a maximum depth that callbacks can be nested to increase code clarity.
This rule has a number or object option:
) enforces a maximum depth that callbacks can be nested
Deprecated: The object property maximum
is deprecated; please use the object property max
Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "max": 3 }
/*eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 3]*/ foo1(function() { foo2(function() { foo3(function() { foo4(function() { // Do something }); }); }); });
Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "max": 3 }
/*eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 3]*/ foo1(handleFoo1); function handleFoo1() { foo2(handleFoo2); } function handleFoo2() { foo3(handleFoo3); } function handleFoo3() { foo4(handleFoo4); } function handleFoo4() { foo5(); }
Further Reading
Related Rules
This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.2.0.
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