require or disallow an empty line between class members (lines-between-class-members)
The --fix
option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.
This rule improves readability by enforcing lines between class members. It will not check empty lines before the first member and after the last member, since that is already taken care of by padded-blocks.
Rule Details
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always"]*/ class MyClass { x; foo() { //... } bar() { //... } }
Examples of correct code for this rule:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always"]*/ class MyClass { x; foo() { //... } bar() { //... } }
Examples of additional correct code for this rule:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always"]*/ class MyClass { x = 1 ;in = 2 }
This rule has a string option and an object option.
String option:
(default) require an empty line after class members -
disallows an empty line after class members
Object option:
"exceptAfterSingleLine": false
(default) do not skip checking empty lines after single-line class members -
"exceptAfterSingleLine": true
skip checking empty lines after single-line class members
Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the string option:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always"]*/ class Foo{ x; bar(){} baz(){} } /* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "never"]*/ class Foo{ x; bar(){} baz(){} }
Examples of correct code for this rule with the string option:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always"]*/ class Foo{ x; bar(){} baz(){} } /* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "never"]*/ class Foo{ x; bar(){} baz(){} }
Examples of correct code for this rule with the object option:
/* eslint lines-between-class-members: ["error", "always", { "exceptAfterSingleLine": true }]*/ class Foo{ x; // single line class member bar(){} // single line class member baz(){ // multi line class member } qux(){} }
When Not To Use It
If you don't want to enforce empty lines between class members, you can disable this rule.
Related Rules
This rule was introduced in ESLint 4.9.0.
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