8 Agent Implementation Example
This Implementation Example section describes how an MIB can be implemented with the SNMP Development Toolkit.
The example shown can be found in the toolkit distribution.
The agent is configured with the configuration tool, using default suggestions for everything but the manager node.
8.1 mib
The MIB used in this example is called EX1-MIB. It contains two objects, a variable with a name and a table with friends.
EX1-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS RowStatus FROM STANDARD-MIB DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 ; example1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 7 } myName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "My own name" ::= { example1 1 } friendsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FriendsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of friends." ::= { example1 4 } friendsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FriendsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { fIndex } ::= { friendsTable 1 } FriendsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fIndex INTEGER, fName DisplayString, fAddress DisplayString, fStatus RowStatus } fIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "number of friend" ::= { friendsEntry 1 } fName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of friend" ::= { friendsEntry 2 } fAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Address of friend" ::= { friendsEntry 3 } fStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { friendsEntry 4 } fTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE example1 VARIABLES { myName, fIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when something happens to the friend specified by fIndex." ::= 1 END
8.2 Default Implementation
Without writing any instrumentation functions, we can compile the MIB and use the default implementation of it. Recall that MIBs imported by "EX1-MIB.mib" must be present and compiled in the current directory ("./STANDARD-MIB.bin","./RFC1213-MIB.bin") when compiling.
unix> erl -config ./sys 1> application:start(snmp). ok 2> snmpc:compile("EX1-MIB"). No accessfunction for 'friendsTable', using default. No accessfunction for 'myName', using default. {ok, "EX1-MIB.bin"} 3> snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, ["EX1-MIB"]). ok
This MIB is now loaded into the agent, and a manager can ask questions. As an example of this, we start another Erlang system and the simple Erlang manager in the toolkit:
1> snmp_test_mgr:start_link([{agent,"dront.ericsson.se"},{community,"all-rights"}, %% making it understand symbolic names: {mibs,["EX1-MIB","STANDARD-MIB"]}]). {ok, <0.89.0>} %% a get-next request with one OID. 2> snmp_test_mgr:gn([[1,3,6,1,3,7]]). ok * Got PDU: [myName,0] = [] %% A set-request (now using symbolic names for convenience) 3> snmp_test_mgr:s([{[myName,0], "Martin"}]). ok * Got PDU: [myName,0] = "Martin" %% Try the same get-next request again 4> snmp_test_mgr:gn([[1,3,6,1,3,7]]). ok * Got PDU: [myName,0] = "Martin" %% ... and we got the new value. %% you can event do row operations. How to add a row: 5> snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fName,0], "Martin"}, {[fAddress,0],"home"}, {[fStatus,0],4}]). %% createAndGo ok * Got PDU: [fName,0] = "Martin" [fAddress,0] = "home" [fStatus,0] = 4 6> snmp_test_mgr:gn([[myName,0]]). ok * Got PDU: [fName,0] = "Martin" 7> snmp_test_mgr:gn(). ok * Got PDU: [fAddress,0] = "home" 8> snmp_test_mgr:gn(). ok * Got PDU: [fStatus,0] = 1 9>
8.3 Manual Implementation
The following example shows a "manual" implementation of the EX1-MIB in Erlang. In this example, the values of the objects are stored in an Erlang server. The server has a 2-tuple as loop data, where the first element is the value of variable myName
, and the second is a sorted list of rows in the table friendsTable
. Each row is a 4-tuple.
There are more efficient ways to create tables manually, i.e. to use the module snmp_index
-module(ex1). -author('[email protected]'). %% External exports -export([start/0, my_name/1, my_name/2, friends_table/3]). %% Internal exports -export([init/0]). -define(status_col, 4). -define(active, 1). -define(notInService, 2). -define(notReady, 3). -define(createAndGo, 4). % Action; written, not read -define(createAndWait, 5). % Action; written, not read -define(destroy, 6). % Action; written, not read start() -> spawn(ex1, init, []). %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Instrumentation function for variable myName. %% Returns: (get) {value, Name} %% (set) noError %%---------------------------------------------------------------- my_name(get) -> ex1_server ! {self(), get_my_name}, Name = wait_answer(), {value, Name}. my_name(set, NewName) -> ex1_server ! {self(), {set_my_name, NewName}}, noError. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Instrumentation function for table friendsTable. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- friends_table(get, RowIndex, Cols) -> case get_row(RowIndex) of {ok, Row} -> get_cols(Cols, Row); _ -> {noValue, noSuchInstance} end; friends_table(get_next, RowIndex, Cols) -> case get_next_row(RowIndex) of {ok, Row} -> get_next_cols(Cols, Row); _ -> case get_next_row([]) of {ok, Row} -> % Get next cols from first row. NewCols = add_one_to_cols(Cols), get_next_cols(NewCols, Row); _ -> end_of_table(Cols) end end; %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% If RowStatus is set, then: %% *) If set to destroy, check that row does exist %% *) If set to createAndGo, check that row does not exist AND %% that all columns are given values. %% *) Otherwise, error (for simplicity). %% Otherwise, row is modified; check that row exists. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- friends_table(is_set_ok, RowIndex, Cols) -> RowExists = case get_row(RowIndex) of {ok, _Row} -> true; _ -> false end, case is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) of {true, ?destroy} when RowExists == true -> {noError, 0}; {true, ?createAndGo} when RowExists == false, length(Cols) == 3 -> {noError, 0}; {true, _} -> {inconsistentValue, ?status_col}; false when RowExists == true -> {noError, 0}; _ -> [{Col, _NewVal} | _Cols] = Cols, {inconsistentName, Col} end; friends_table(set, RowIndex, Cols) -> case is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) of {true, ?destroy} -> ex1_server ! {self(), {delete_row, RowIndex}}; {true, ?createAndGo} -> NewRow = make_row(RowIndex, Cols), ex1_server ! {self(), {add_row, NewRow}}; false -> {ok, Row} = get_row(RowIndex), NewRow = merge_rows(Row, Cols), ex1_server ! {self(), {delete_row, RowIndex}}, ex1_server ! {self(), {add_row, NewRow}} end, {noError, 0}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Make a list of {value, Val} of the Row and Cols list. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- get_cols([Col | Cols], Row) -> [{value, element(Col, Row)} | get_cols(Cols, Row)]; get_cols([], _Row) -> []. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% As get_cols, but the Cols list may contain invalid column %% numbers. If it does, we must find the next valid column, %% or return endOfTable. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) when Col < 2 -> [{[2, element(1, Row)], element(2, Row)} | get_next_cols(Cols, Row)]; get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) when Col > 4 -> [endOfTable | get_next_cols(Cols, Row)]; get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) -> [{[Col, element(1, Row)], element(Col, Row)} | get_next_cols(Cols, Row)]; get_next_cols([], _Row) -> []. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Make a list of endOfTable with as many elems as Cols list. %%---------------------------------------------------------------- end_of_table([Col | Cols]) -> [endOfTable | end_of_table(Cols)]; end_of_table([]) -> []. add_one_to_cols([Col | Cols]) -> [Col + 1 | add_one_to_cols(Cols)]; add_one_to_cols([]) -> []. is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) -> case lists:keysearch(?status_col, 1, Cols) of {value, {?status_col, StatusVal}} -> {true, StatusVal}; _ -> false end. get_row(RowIndex) -> ex1_server ! {self(), {get_row, RowIndex}}, wait_answer(). get_next_row(RowIndex) -> ex1_server ! {self(), {get_next_row, RowIndex}}, wait_answer(). wait_answer() -> receive {ex1_server, Answer} -> Answer end. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Server code follows %%%--------------------------------------------------------------- init() -> register(ex1_server, self()), loop("", []). loop(MyName, Table) -> receive {From, get_my_name} -> From ! {ex1_server, MyName}, loop(MyName, Table); {From, {set_my_name, NewName}} -> loop(NewName, Table); {From, {get_row, RowIndex}} -> Res = table_get_row(Table, RowIndex), From ! {ex1_server, Res}, loop(MyName, Table); {From, {get_next_row, RowIndex}} -> Res = table_get_next_row(Table, RowIndex), From ! {ex1_server, Res}, loop(MyName, Table); {From, {delete_row, RowIndex}} -> NewTable = table_delete_row(Table, RowIndex), loop(MyName, NewTable); {From, {add_row, NewRow}} -> NewTable = table_add_row(Table, NewRow), loop(MyName, NewTable) end. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Functions for table operations. The table is represented as %%% a list of rows. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------- table_get_row([{Index, Name, Address, Status} | _], [Index]) -> {ok, {Index, Name, Address, Status}}; table_get_row([H | T], RowIndex) -> table_get_row(T, RowIndex); table_get_row([], _RowIndex) -> no_such_row. table_get_next_row([Row | T], []) -> {ok, Row}; table_get_next_row([Row | T], [Index | _]) when element(1, Row) > Index -> {ok, Row}; table_get_next_row([Row | T], RowIndex) -> table_get_next_row(T, RowIndex); table_get_next_row([], RowIndex) -> endOfTable. table_delete_row([{Index, _, _, _} | T], [Index]) -> T; table_delete_row([H | T], RowIndex) -> [H | table_delete_row(T, RowIndex)]; table_delete_row([], _RowIndex) -> []. table_add_row([Row | T], NewRow) when element(1, Row) > element(1, NewRow) -> [NewRow, Row | T]; table_add_row([H | T], NewRow) -> [H | table_add_row(T, NewRow)]; table_add_row([], NewRow) -> [NewRow]. make_row([Index], [{2, Name}, {3, Address} | _]) -> {Index, Name, Address, ?active}. merge_rows(Row, [{Col, NewVal} | T]) -> merge_rows(setelement(Col, Row, NewVal), T); merge_rows(Row, []) -> Row.
Association File
The association file EX1-MIB.funcs
for the real implementation looks as follows:
{myName, {ex1, my_name, []}}. {friendsTable, {ex1, friends_table, []}}.
To use the real implementation, we must recompile the MIB and load it into the agent.
1> application:start(snmp). ok 2> snmpc:compile("EX1-MIB"). {ok,"EX1-MIB.bin"} 3> snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, ["EX1-MIB"]). ok 4> ex1:start(). <0.115.0> %% Now all requests operates on this "real" implementation. %% The output from the manager requests will *look* exactly the %% same as for the default implementation.
Trap Sending
How to send a trap by sending the fTrap
from the master agent is shown in this section. The master agent has the MIB EX1-MIB
loaded, where the trap is defined. This trap specifies that two variables should be sent along with the trap, myName
and fIndex
. fIndex
is a table column, so we must provide its value and the index for the row in the call to snmpa:send_trap/4
. In the example below, we assume that the row in question is indexed by 2 (the row with fIndex
we use a simple Erlang SNMP manager, which can receive traps.
[MANAGER] 1> snmp_test_mgr:start_link([{agent,"dront.ericsson.se"},{community,"public"} %% does not have write-access 1>{mibs,["EX1-MIB","STANDARD-MIB"]}]). {ok, <0.100.0>} 2> snmp_test_mgr:s([{[myName,0], "Klas"}]). ok * Got PDU: Received a trap: Generic: 4 %% authenticationFailure Enterprise: [iso,2,3] Specific: 0 Agent addr: [123,12,12,21] TimeStamp: 42993 2> [AGENT] 3> snmpa:send_trap(snmp_master_agent, fTrap,"standard trap", [{fIndex,[2],2}]). [MANAGER] 2> * Got PDU: Received a trap: Generic: 6 Enterprise: [example1] Specific: 1 Agent addr: [123,12,12,21] TimeStamp: 69649 [myName,0] = "Martin" [fIndex,2] = 2 2>
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