Module summary
egd - erlang graphical drawer.
egd - erlang graphical drawer
Data types
point() = {integer(), integer()}
render_option() = {render_engine, opaque} | {render_engine, alpha}
color(Color::Value | Name) -> color()
Value = {byte(), byte(), byte()} | {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} Name = black | silver | gray | white | maroon | red | purple | fuchia | green | lime | olive | yellow | navy | blue | teal | aqua
Creates a color reference.
create(Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> egd_image()
Creates an image area and returns its reference.
destroy(Image::egd_image()) -> ok
Destroys the image.
filledEllipse(Image::egd_image(), P1::point(), P2::point(), Color::color()) -> ok
Creates a filled ellipse object.
filledRectangle(Image::egd_image(), P1::point(), P2::point(), Color::color()) -> ok
Creates a filled rectangle object.
line(Image::egd_image(), P1::point(), P2::point(), Color::color()) -> ok
Creates a line object from P1 to P2 in the image.
rectangle(Image::egd_image(), P1::point(), P2::point(), Color::color()) -> ok
Creates a rectangle object.
render(Image::egd_image()) -> binary()
Equivalent to render(Image, png, [{render_engine, opaque}])
render(Image::egd_image(), Type::png | raw_bitmap) -> binary()
Equivalent to render(Image, Type, [{render_engine, opaque}])
render(Image::egd_image(), Type::png | raw_bitmap, Options::[render_option()]) -> binary()
Renders a binary from the primitives specified by egd_image(). The binary can either be a raw bitmap with rgb tripplets or a binary in png format.
save(Binary::binary(), Filename::string()) -> ok
Saves the binary to file.
text(Image::egd_image(), P::point(), Font::font(), Text::string(), Color::color()) -> ok
Creates a text object.
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