docker service ls


List services


docker service ls [OPTIONS]


Name, shorthand Default Description
--filter, -f Filter output based on conditions provided
--quiet, -q false Only display IDs

Parent command

Command Description
docker service Manage services
Command Description
docker service create Create a new service
docker service inspect Display detailed information on one or more services
docker service logs Fetch the logs of a service
docker service ls List services
docker service ps List the tasks of a service
docker service rm Remove one or more services
docker service scale Scale one or multiple replicated services
docker service update Update a service

Extended description

This command when run targeting a manager, lists services are running in the swarm.


On a manager node:

$ docker service ls

ID            NAME      MODE        REPLICAS    IMAGE
c8wgl7q4ndfd  frontend  replicated  5/5         nginx:alpine
dmu1ept4cxcf  redis     replicated  3/3         redis:3.0.6
iwe3278osahj  mongo     global      7/7         mongo:3.3

The REPLICAS column shows both the actual and desired number of tasks for the service.


The filtering flag (-f or --filter) format is of “key=value”. If there is more than one filter, then pass multiple flags (e.g., --filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz")

The currently supported filters are:


The id filter matches all or part of a service’s id.

$ docker service ls -f "id=0bcjw"
ID            NAME   MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
0bcjwfh8ychr  redis  replicated  1/1       redis:3.0.6


The label filter matches services based on the presence of a label alone or a label and a value.

The following filter matches all services with a project label regardless of its value:

$ docker service ls --filter label=project
ID            NAME       MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
01sl1rp6nj5u  frontend2  replicated  1/1       nginx:alpine
36xvvwwauej0  frontend   replicated  5/5       nginx:alpine
74nzcxxjv6fq  backend    replicated  3/3       redis:3.0.6

The following filter matches only services with the project label with the project-a value.

$ docker service ls --filter label=project=project-a
ID            NAME      MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
36xvvwwauej0  frontend  replicated  5/5       nginx:alpine
74nzcxxjv6fq  backend   replicated  3/3       redis:3.0.6


The name filter matches on all or part of a service’s name.

The following filter matches services with a name containing redis.

$ docker service ls --filter name=redis
ID            NAME   MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
0bcjwfh8ychr  redis  replicated  1/1       redis:3.0.6

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