Hey, how about some end 2 end testing for your Vue apps? ????
Let's do it together! Vue, me, CodeceptJS (opens new window) & Puppeteer (opens new window). ????
Browser testing was never that simple. Just see it! ????
I.amOnPage('/');'My Component Button'); I.see('My Component'); I.say('I am happy!'); // that's right, this is a valid test!
How to try it?
- NodeJS >= 8.9
- NPM / Yarn
- Vue CLI installed globally
npm i vue-cli-plugin-codeceptjs-puppeteer --save-dev
This will install CodeceptJS, CodeceptUI & Puppeteer with Chrome browser.
To add CodeceptJS to your project invoke installer:
vue invoke vue-cli-plugin-codeceptjs-puppeteer
You will be asked about installing a demo component. If you start a fresh project it is recommended to agree and install a demo component, so you could see tests passing.
Running Tests
We added npm scripts:
- will execute tests with browser opened. If you installed test component, and started a test server, running this command will show you a brower window passed test.- Use
option to run browser headlessly - Use
option to start a dev server before tests
- Use
npm run test:e2e npm run test:e2e -- --headless npm run test:e2e -- --serve
This command is a wrapper for
codecept run --steps
. You can use the Run arguments and options here.
- will execute tests headlessly in parallel processes (workers). By default runs tests in 2 workers.- Use an argument to set number of workers
- Use
option to start dev server before running
npm run test:e2e:parallel npm run test:e2e:parallel -- 3 npm run test:e2e:parallel -- 3 --serve
This command is a wrapper for
codecept run-workers 2
. You can use the Run arguments and options here.
- this opens interactive web test runner. So you could see, review & run your tests from a browser.
npm run test:e2e:open
Directory Structure
Generator has created these files:
codecept.conf.js ???? codeceptjs config jsconfig.json ???? enabling type definitons tests ├── e2e │ ├── app_test.js ???? demo test, edit it! │ ├── output ???? temp directory for screenshots, reports, etc │ └── support │ └── steps_file.js ???? common steps └── steps.d.ts ???? type definitions
If you agreed to create a demo component, you will also see TestMe
component in src/components
How to write tests?
- Open
and see the demo test - Execute a test & use interactive pause to see how CodeceptJS works
- Learn CodeceptJS basics
- Learn how to write CodeceptJS tests with Puppeteer
- See full reference for CodeceptJS Puppeteer Helper
- Ask your questions in Slack (opens new window) & Forum (opens new window)
Enjoy testing!
Testing is simple & fun, enjoy it!
With ❤ CodeceptJS Team (opens new window)
© 2015 DavertMik <[email protected]> (
Licensed under the MIT License.