Community Helpers
Share your helpers at our Wiki Page (opens new window)
Here is the list of helpers created by our community. Please add your own by editing this page.
Email Checking
- MailCatcher (opens new window) - to check emails via Mailcatcher locally.
- codeceptjs-mailhog-helper (opens new window) - to check emails via Mailhog locally.
Data Sources
- codeceptjs-httpmock (opens new window) - a helper which wraps mockttp library to manage http mock in tests.
- codeceptjs-http (opens new window) - a helper which wraps then-request library to process HTTP requests. It's alternative helper that provides more flexible request management.
- codeceptjs-dbhelper (opens new window) - allows you to execute queries or commands to databases using database-js.
Cloud Providers
codeceptjs-saucehelper (opens new window) - a helper which updates
Test Names
&Test Results
on Saucelabs -
codeceptjs-bshelper (opens new window) - a helper which updates
Test Names
&Test Results
on Browserstack -
codeceptjs-tbhelper (opens new window) - a helper which updates
Test Names
&Test Results
on TestingBot
- codeceptjs-testrail (opens new window) - a plugin to integrate with Testrail (opens new window)
- codeceptjs-resemblehelper (opens new window) - a helper which helps with visual testing using resemble.js.
- codeceptjs-applitoolshelper (opens new window) - a helper which helps interaction with Applitools (opens new window)
- codeceptjs-rphelper (opens new window) is a CodeceptJS helper which can publish tests results on ReportPortal after execution.
- codeceptjs-xray-helper (opens new window) is a CodeceptJS helper which can publish tests results on XRAY (opens new window).
- codeceptjs-slack-reporter (opens new window) Get a Slack notification when one or more scenarios fail.
Page Object Code Generator
- codeceptjs-CodeGenerator (opens new window) is a CodeceptJS custom wrapper which can create page class with action methods from the page object file(JSON) and project setup(Folder Structure).
Browser request control
- codeceptjs-resources-check (opens new window) Load a URL with Puppeteer and listen to the requests while the page is loading. Enabling count the number or check the sizes of the requests.
Assertion & Validations
- codeceptjs-chai (opens new window) is a CodeceptJS helper which wraps chai (opens new window) library to complete chai assertion steps with CodeceptJS logging.
- codeceptjs-cmdhelper (opens new window) allows you to run commands in the terminal/console
- eslint-plugin-codeceptjs (opens new window) Eslint rules for CodeceptJS.
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