Class TranslateBehavior

This behavior provides a way to translate dynamic data by keeping translations in a separate table linked to the original record from another one. Translated fields can be configured to override those in the main table when fetched or put aside into another property for the same entity.

If you wish to override fields, you need to call the locale method in this behavior for setting the language you want to fetch from the translations table.

If you want to bring all or certain languages for each of the fetched records, you can use the custom translations finders that is exposed to the table.

Cake\ORM\Behavior implements Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface uses Cake\Core\InstanceConfigTrait
Extended by Cake\ORM\Behavior\TranslateBehavior uses Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait

Properties summary

Inherited Properties

Method Summary

  • __construct() public
  • Helper method used to generated multiple translated field entities out of the data found in the _translations property in the passed entity. The result will be put into its _i18n property

  • Returns the ids found for each of the condition arrays passed for the translations table. Each records is indexed by the corresponding position to the conditions array

  • _referenceName() protected
    Determine the reference name to use for a given table
  • _rowMapper() protected

    Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge the translated fields into each entity for a given locale.

  • afterSave() public
    Unsets the temporary _i18n property after the entity has been saved
  • beforeFind() public

    Callback method that listens to the beforeFind event in the bound table. It modifies the passed query by eager loading the translated fields and adding a formatter to copy the values into the main table records.

  • beforeSave() public

    Modifies the entity before it is saved so that translated fields are persisted in the database too.

  • Custom finder method used to retrieve all translations for the found records. Fetched translations can be filtered by locale by passing the locales key in the options array.

  • Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge full translation records into each entity under the _translations key

  • initialize() public
    Initialize hook
  • locale() public

    Sets all future finds for the bound table to also fetch translated fields for the passed locale. If no value is passed, it returns the currently configured locale

  • Creates the associations between the bound table and every field passed to this method.

Method Detail

__construct()source public

__construct( Cake\ORM\Table $table , array $config [] )



Cake\ORM\Table $table
The table this behavior is attached to.
array $config optional []
The config for this behavior.



_bundleTranslatedFields()source protected

_bundleTranslatedFields( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )

Helper method used to generated multiple translated field entities out of the data found in the _translations property in the passed entity. The result will be put into its _i18n property


Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity

_findExistingTranslations()source protected

_findExistingTranslations( array $ruleSet )

Returns the ids found for each of the condition arrays passed for the translations table. Each records is indexed by the corresponding position to the conditions array


array $ruleSet
an array of arary of conditions to be used for finding each



_referenceName()source protected

_referenceName( Cake\ORM\Table $table )

Determine the reference name to use for a given table

The reference name is usually derived from the class name of the table object (PostsTable -> Posts), however for autotable instances it is derived from the database table the object points at - or as a last resort, the alias of the autotable instance.


Cake\ORM\Table $table
The table class to get a reference name for.



_rowMapper()source protected

_rowMapper( Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results , string $locale )

Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge the translated fields into each entity for a given locale.


Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results
Results to map.
string $locale
Locale string



afterSave()source public

afterSave( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )

Unsets the temporary _i18n property after the entity has been saved


Cake\Event\Event $event
The beforeSave event that was fired
Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity
The entity that is going to be saved

beforeFind()source public

beforeFind( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\ORM\Query $query , ArrayObject $options )

Callback method that listens to the beforeFind event in the bound table. It modifies the passed query by eager loading the translated fields and adding a formatter to copy the values into the main table records.


Cake\Event\Event $event
The beforeFind event that was fired.
Cake\ORM\Query $query
ArrayObject $options
The options for the query

beforeSave()source public

beforeSave( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , ArrayObject $options )

Modifies the entity before it is saved so that translated fields are persisted in the database too.


Cake\Event\Event $event
The beforeSave event that was fired
Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity
The entity that is going to be saved
ArrayObject $options
the options passed to the save method

findTranslations()source public

findTranslations( Cake\ORM\Query $query , array $options )

Custom finder method used to retrieve all translations for the found records. Fetched translations can be filtered by locale by passing the locales key in the options array.

Translated values will be found for each entity under the property _translations, containing an array indexed by locale name.


$article = $articles->find('translations', ['locales' => ['eng', 'deu'])->first();
$englishTranslatedFields = $article->get('_translations')['eng'];

If the locales array is not passed, it will bring all translations found for each record.


Cake\ORM\Query $query
The original query to modify
array $options



groupTranslations()source public

groupTranslations( Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results )

Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge full translation records into each entity under the _translations key


Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results
Results to modify.



initialize()source public

initialize( array $config )

Initialize hook


array $config
The config for this behavior.



locale()source public

locale( string|null $locale null )

Sets all future finds for the bound table to also fetch translated fields for the passed locale. If no value is passed, it returns the currently configured locale


string|null $locale optional null
The locale to use for fetching translated records



setupFieldAssociations()source public

setupFieldAssociations( array $fields , string $table , string $model , string $strategy )

Creates the associations between the bound table and every field passed to this method.

Additionally it creates a i18n HasMany association that will be used for fetching all translations for each record in the bound table


array $fields
list of fields to create associations for
string $table
the table name to use for storing each field translation
string $model
the model field value
string $strategy
the strategy used in the _i18n association

Methods inherited from Cake\ORM\Behavior

_reflectionCache()source protected

_reflectionCache( )

Gets the methods implemented by this behavior

Uses the implementedEvents() method to exclude callback methods. Methods starting with _ will be ignored, as will methods declared on Cake\ORM\Behavior



_resolveMethodAliases()source protected

_resolveMethodAliases( string $key , array $defaults , array $config )

Removes aliased methods that would otherwise be duplicated by userland configuration.


string $key
The key to filter.
array $defaults
The default method mappings.
array $config
The customized method mappings.


A de-duped list of config data.

implementedEvents()source public

implementedEvents( )

Gets the Model callbacks this behavior is interested in.

By defining one of the callback methods a behavior is assumed to be interested in the related event.

Override this method if you need to add non-conventional event listeners. Or if you want your behavior to listen to non-standard events.



Implementation of


implementedFinders()source public

implementedFinders( )


Provides an alias->methodname map of which finders a behavior implements. Example:

   'this' => 'findThis',
   'alias' => 'findMethodName'

With the above example, a call to $Table->find('this') will call $Behavior->findThis() and a call to $Table->find('alias') will call $Behavior->findMethodName()

It is recommended, though not required, to define implementedFinders in the config property of child classes such that it is not necessary to use reflections to derive the available method list. See core behaviors for examples



implementedMethods()source public

implementedMethods( )


Provides an alias->methodname map of which methods a behavior implements. Example:

   'method' => 'method',
   'aliasedmethod' => 'somethingElse'

With the above example, a call to $Table->method() will call $Behavior->method() and a call to $Table->aliasedmethod() will call $Behavior->somethingElse()

It is recommended, though not required, to define implementedFinders in the config property of child classes such that it is not necessary to use reflections to derive the available method list. See core behaviors for examples



verifyConfig()source public

verifyConfig( )


Checks that implemented keys contain values pointing at callable.


if config are invalid

Methods used from Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait

tableLocator()source public

tableLocator( Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorInterface $tableLocator null )

Sets the table locator. If no parameters are passed, it will return the currently used locator.


Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorInterface $tableLocator optional null
LocatorInterface instance.



Methods used from Cake\Core\InstanceConfigTrait

_configDelete()source protected

_configDelete( string $key )

Delete a single config key


string $key
Key to delete.


if attempting to clobber existing config

_configRead()source protected

_configRead( string|null $key )

Read a config variable


string|null $key
Key to read.



_configWrite()source protected

_configWrite( string|array $key , mixed $value , boolean|string $merge false )

Write a config variable


string|array $key
Key to write to.
mixed $value
Value to write.
boolean|string $merge optional false

True to merge recursively, 'shallow' for simple merge, false to overwrite, defaults to false.


if attempting to clobber existing config

config()source public

config( string|array|null $key null , mixed|null $value null , boolean $merge true )


Reading the whole config:


Reading a specific value:


Reading a nested value:


Setting a specific value:

$this->config('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->config('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->config(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);


string|array|null $key optional null
The key to get/set, or a complete array of configs.
mixed|null $value optional null
The value to set.
boolean $merge optional true
Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.


Config value being read, or the object itself on write operations.


When trying to set a key that is invalid.

configShallow()source public

configShallow( string|array $key , mixed|null $value null )

Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike config() which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.

Setting a specific value:

$this->config('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->config('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->config(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);


string|array $key
The key to set, or a complete array of configs.
mixed|null $value optional null
The value to set.


$this The object itself.

Properties detail


protected array

Default config

These are merged with user-provided configuration when the behavior is used.

    'implementedFinders' => ['translations' => 'findTranslations'],
    'implementedMethods' => ['locale' => 'locale'],
    'fields' => [],
    'translationTable' => 'I18n',
    'defaultLocale' => '',
    'referenceName' => '',
    'allowEmptyTranslations' => true,
    'onlyTranslated' => false,
    'strategy' => 'subquery',
    'tableLocator' => null


protected string

The locale name that will be used to override fields in the bound table from the translations table


protected Cake\ORM\Table

Table instance


protected Cake\ORM\Table

Instance of Table responsible for translating

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