Class TreePrinter
Iterator for flattening elements in a tree structure while adding some visual markers for their relative position in the tree
- RecursiveIteratorIterator implements Iterator, Traversable, OuterIterator
- Cake\Collection\Iterator\TreePrinter uses Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
Inherited Constants
Properties summary
protectedCached value for the current iteration elementmixed
protectedA callable to generate the iteration keycallable
protectedThe string to use for prefixing the values according to their depth in the tree.string
protectedA callable to extract the display valuecallable
Method Summary
- __construct() publicConstructor
- _fetchCurrent() protectedReturns the current iteration element and caches its value
- current() publicReturns the current iteration value
- key() publicReturns the current iteration key
- next() publicAdvances the cursor one position
Method Detail
__construct()source public
__construct( RecursiveIterator $items , string|callable $valuePath , string|callable $keyPath , string $spacer , integer $mode Cake\Collection\Iterator\RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST )
- RecursiveIterator
- The iterator to flatten.
- string|callable
The property to extract or a callable to return the display value.
- string|callable
The property to use as iteration key or a callable returning the key value.
- string
The string to use for prefixing the values according to their depth in the tree.
- integer
optional Cake\Collection\Iterator\RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST - Iterator mode.
_fetchCurrent()source protected
_fetchCurrent( )
Returns the current iteration element and caches its value
mixedcurrent()source public
current( )
Returns the current iteration value
key()source public
key( )
Returns the current iteration key
next()source public
next( )
Advances the cursor one position
Methods used from Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
_unwrap()source public
_unwrap( )
Backwards compatible wrapper for unwrap()
Iteratorappend()source public
append( $items )
chunk()source public
chunk( $chunkSize )
combine()source public
combine( $keyPath , $valuePath , $groupPath null )
compile()source public
compile( $preserveKeys true )
contains()source public
contains( $value )
countBy()source public
countBy( $callback )
each()source public
each( callable $c )
every()source public
every( callable $c )
extract()source public
extract( $matcher )
first()source public
first( )
firstMatch()source public
firstMatch( array $conditions )
groupBy()source public
groupBy( $callback )
indexBy()source public
indexBy( $callback )
isEmpty()source public
isEmpty( )
jsonSerialize()source public
jsonSerialize( )
last()source public
last( )
listNested()source public
listNested( $dir 'desc' , $nestingKey 'children' )
match()source public
match( array $conditions )
max()source public
max( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
min()source public
min( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
nest()source public
nest( $idPath , $parentPath )
reduce()source public
reduce( callable $c , $zero null )
sample()source public
sample( $size 10 )
shuffle()source public
shuffle( )
skip()source public
skip( $howMany )
some()source public
some( callable $c )
sortBy()source public
sortBy( $callback , $dir SORT_DESC , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
sumOf()source public
sumOf( $matcher null )
take()source public
take( $size 1 , $from 0 )
through()source public
through( callable $handler )
toArray()source public
toArray( $preserveKeys true )
toList()source public
toList( )
unfold()source public
unfold( callable $transformer null )
unwrap()source public
unwrap( )
zip()source public
zip( $items )
zipWith()source public
zipWith( $items , $callable )
Properties detail
protected string
The string to use for prefixing the values according to their depth in the tree.
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