Class ObjectRegistry

Acts as a registry/factory for objects.

Provides registry & factory functionality for object types. Used as a super class for various composition based re-use features in CakePHP.

Each subclass needs to implement the various abstract methods to complete the template method load().

The ObjectRegistry is EventManager aware, but each extending class will need to use \Cake\Event\EventDispatcherTrait to attach and detach on set and bind

Direct Subclasses

Properties summary

  • $_loaded protected
    Map of loaded objects.

Method Summary

  • __debugInfo() public
    Debug friendly object properties.
  • __get() public
    Provide public read access to the loaded objects
  • __isset() public
    Provide isset access to _loaded
  • _checkDuplicate() protected
    Check for duplicate object loading.
  • _create() abstract protected
    Create an instance of a given classname.
  • _resolveClassName() abstract protected
    Should resolve the classname for a given object type.
  • _throwMissingClassError() abstract protected
    Throw an exception when the requested object name is missing.
  • get() public
    Get loaded object instance.
  • has() public
    Check whether or not a given object is loaded.
  • load() public
    Loads/constructs an object instance.
  • loaded() public
    Get the list of loaded objects.
  • Normalizes an object array, creates an array that makes lazy loading easier

  • reset() public
    Clear loaded instances in the registry.
  • set() public
    Set an object directly into the registry by name.
  • unload() public
    Remove an object from the registry.

Method Detail

__debugInfo()source public

__debugInfo( )

Debug friendly object properties.



__get()source public

__get( string $name )

Provide public read access to the loaded objects


string $name
Name of property to read



__isset()source public

__isset( string $name )

Provide isset access to _loaded


string $name
Name of object being checked.



_checkDuplicate()source protected

_checkDuplicate( string $name , array $config )

Check for duplicate object loading.

If a duplicate is being loaded and has different configuration, that is bad and an exception will be raised.

An exception is raised, as replacing the object will not update any references other objects may have. Additionally, simply updating the runtime configuration is not a good option as we may be missing important constructor logic dependent on the configuration.


string $name
The name of the alias in the registry.
array $config
The config data for the new instance.


When a duplicate is found.

_create()source abstract protected

_create( string $class , string $alias , array $config )

Create an instance of a given classname.

This method should construct and do any other initialization logic required.


string $class
The class to build.
string $alias
The alias of the object.
array $config
The Configuration settings for construction



_resolveClassName()source abstract protected

_resolveClassName( string $class )

Should resolve the classname for a given object type.


string $class
The class to resolve.


The resolved name or false for failure.

_throwMissingClassError()source abstract protected

_throwMissingClassError( string $class , string $plugin )

Throw an exception when the requested object name is missing.


string $class
The class that is missing.
string $plugin
The plugin $class is missing from.



get()source public

get( string $name )

Get loaded object instance.


string $name
Name of object.


Object instance if loaded else null.

has()source public

has( string $name )

Check whether or not a given object is loaded.


string $name
The object name to check for.


True is object is loaded else false.

load()source public

load( string $objectName , array $config [] )

Loads/constructs an object instance.

Will return the instance in the registry if it already exists. If a subclass provides event support, you can use $config['enabled'] = false to exclude constructed objects from being registered for events.

Using Cake\Controller\Controller::$components as an example. You can alias an object by setting the 'className' key, i.e.,

public $components = [
  'Email' => [
    'className' => '\App\Controller\Component\AliasedEmailComponent'

All calls to the Email component would use AliasedEmail instead.


string $objectName
The name/class of the object to load.
array $config optional []
Additional settings to use when loading the object.



loaded()source public

loaded( )

Get the list of loaded objects.


List of object names.

normalizeArray()source public

normalizeArray( array $objects )

Normalizes an object array, creates an array that makes lazy loading easier


array $objects
Array of child objects to normalize.


Array of normalized objects.

reset()source public

reset( )

Clear loaded instances in the registry.

If the registry subclass has an event manager, the objects will be detached from events as well.

set()source public

set( string $objectName , object $object )

Set an object directly into the registry by name.

If this collection implements events, the passed object will be attached into the event manager


string $objectName
The name of the object to set in the registry.
object $object
instance to store in the registry

unload()source public

unload( string $objectName )

Remove an object from the registry.

If this registry has an event manager, the object will be detached from any events as well.


string $objectName
The name of the object to remove from the registry.

Properties detail


protected array

Map of loaded objects.


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