community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules – Modifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface.
This plugin is part of the community.proxysql collection (version 1.0.0).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.proxysql
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules
- The community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules module modifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- PyMySQL (Python 2.7 and Python 3.X), or
- MySQLdb (Python 2.x)
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
active boolean |
| A rule with active set to False will be tracked in the database, but will be never loaded in the in-memory data structures. |
apply boolean |
| Used in combination with flagIN and flagOUT to create chains of rules. Setting apply to True signifies the last rule to be applied. |
cache_ttl integer | The number of milliseconds for which to cache the result of the query. Note in ProxySQL 1.1 cache_ttl was in seconds. | |
client_addr string | Match traffic from a specific source. | |
comment string | Free form text field, usable for a descriptive comment of the query rule. | |
config_file path | Default: "" | Specify a config file from which login_user and login_password are to be read. |
delay integer | Number of milliseconds to delay the execution of the query. This is essentially a throttling mechanism and QoS, and allows a way to give priority to queries over others. This value is added to the mysql-default_query_delay global variable that applies to all queries. | |
destination_hostgroup integer | Route matched queries to this hostgroup. This happens unless there is a started transaction and the logged in user has transaction_persistent set to True (see community.proxysql.proxysql_mysql_users). | |
digest string | Match queries with a specific digest, as returned by stats_mysql_query_digest.digest. | |
error_msg string | Query will be blocked, and the specified error_msg will be returned to the client. | |
flagIN integer | Used in combination with flagOUT and apply to create chains of rules. | |
flagOUT integer | Used in combination with flagIN and apply to create chains of rules. When set, flagOUT signifies the flagIN to be used in the next chain of rules. | |
force_delete boolean |
| By default we avoid deleting more than one schedule in a single batch, however if you need this behaviour and you're not concerned about the schedules deleted, you can set force_delete to True . |
load_to_runtime boolean |
| Dynamically load config to runtime memory. |
log boolean |
| Query will be logged. |
login_host string | Default: "" | The host used to connect to ProxySQL admin interface. |
login_password string | The password used to authenticate to ProxySQL admin interface. | |
login_port integer | Default: 6032 | The port used to connect to ProxySQL admin interface. |
login_unix_socket string | The socket used to connect to ProxySQL admin interface. | |
login_user string | The username used to authenticate to ProxySQL admin interface. | |
match_digest string | Regular expression that matches the query digest. The dialect of regular expressions used is that of re2 - | |
match_pattern string | Regular expression that matches the query text. The dialect of regular expressions used is that of re2 - | |
mirror_flagOUT integer | Enables query mirroring. If set mirror_flagOUT can be used to evaluates the mirrored query against the specified chain of rules. | |
mirror_hostgroup integer | Enables query mirroring. If set mirror_hostgroup can be used to mirror queries to the same or different hostgroup. | |
negate_match_pattern boolean |
| If negate_match_pattern is set to True , only queries not matching the query text will be considered as a match. This acts as a NOT operator in front of the regular expression matching against match_pattern. |
proxy_addr string | Match incoming traffic on a specific local IP. | |
proxy_port integer | Match incoming traffic on a specific local port. | |
replace_pattern string | This is the pattern with which to replace the matched pattern. Note that this is optional, and when omitted, the query processor will only cache, route, or set other parameters without rewriting. | |
retries integer | The maximum number of times a query needs to be re-executed in case of detected failure during the execution of the query. If retries is not specified, the global variable mysql-query_retries_on_failure applies. | |
rule_id integer | The unique id of the rule. Rules are processed in rule_id order. | |
save_to_disk boolean |
| Save config to sqlite db on disk to persist the configuration. |
schemaname string | Filtering criteria matching schemaname. If schemaname is non-NULL, a query will match only if the connection uses schemaname as its default schema. | |
state string |
| When present - adds the rule, when absent - removes the rule. |
timeout integer | The maximum timeout in milliseconds with which the matched or rewritten query should be executed. If a query run for longer than the specific threshold, the query is automatically killed. If timeout is not specified, the global variable mysql-default_query_timeout applies. | |
username string | Filtering criteria matching username. If username is non-NULL, a query will match only if the connection is made with the correct username. |
--- # This example adds a rule to redirect queries from a specific user to another # hostgroup, it saves the mysql query rule config to disk, but avoids loading # the mysql query config config to runtime (this might be because several # rules are being added and the user wants to push the config to runtime in a # single batch using the community.general.proxysql_manage_config module). It # uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface. - name: Add a rule community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules: login_user: admin login_password: admin username: 'guest_ro' match_pattern: "^SELECT.*" destination_hostgroup: 1 active: 1 retries: 3 state: present load_to_runtime: False # This example removes all rules that use the username 'guest_ro', saves the # mysql query rule config to disk, and dynamically loads the mysql query rule # config to runtime. It uses credentials in a supplied config file to connect # to the proxysql admin interface. - name: Remove rules community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules: config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf' username: 'guest_ro' state: absent force_delete: true
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
stdout dictionary | On create/update will return the newly modified rule, in all other cases will return a list of rules that match the supplied criteria. | The mysql user modified or removed from proxysql Sample: {'changed': True, 'msg': 'Added rule to mysql_query_rules', 'rules': [{'active': '0', 'apply': '0', 'cache_ttl': None, 'client_addr': None, 'comment': None, 'delay': None, 'destination_hostgroup': 1, 'digest': None, 'error_msg': None, 'flagIN': '0', 'flagOUT': None, 'log': None, 'match_digest': None, 'match_pattern': None, 'mirror_flagOUT': None, 'mirror_hostgroup': None, 'negate_match_pattern': '0', 'proxy_addr': None, 'proxy_port': None, 'reconnect': None, 'replace_pattern': None, 'retries': None, 'rule_id': '1', 'schemaname': None, 'timeout': None, 'username': 'guest_ro'}], 'state': 'present'} |
- Ben Mildren (@bmildren)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2021 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.