Template expression operators

The Angular template expression language employs a subset of JavaScript syntax supplemented with a few special operators for specific scenarios. The next sections cover three of these operators:

See the live example for a working example containing the code snippets in this guide.

The pipe operator (|)

The result of an expression might require some transformation before you're ready to use it in a binding. For example, you might display a number as a currency, change text to uppercase, or filter a list and sort it.

Pipes are simple functions that accept an input value and return a transformed value. They're easy to apply within template expressions, using the pipe operator (|):

<p>Title through uppercase pipe: {{title | uppercase}}</p>

The pipe operator passes the result of an expression on the left to a pipe function on the right.

You can chain expressions through multiple pipes:

<!-- convert title to uppercase, then to lowercase -->
<p>Title through a pipe chain: {{title | uppercase | lowercase}}</p>

And you can also apply parameters to a pipe:

<!-- pipe with configuration argument => "February 25, 1980" -->
<p>Manufacture date with date format pipe: {{item.manufactureDate | date:'longDate'}}</p>

The json pipe is particularly helpful for debugging bindings:

<p>Item json pipe: {{item | json}}</p>

The generated output would look something like this:

{ "name": "Telephone",
    "manufactureDate": "1980-02-25T05:00:00.000Z",
    "price": 98 }

The pipe operator has a higher precedence than the ternary operator (?:), which means a ? b : c | x is parsed as a ? b : (c | x). Nevertheless, for a number of reasons, the pipe operator cannot be used without parentheses in the first and second operands of ?:. A good practice is to use parentheses in the third operand too.

The safe navigation operator ( ? ) and null property paths

The Angular safe navigation operator, ?, guards against null and undefined values in property paths. Here, it protects against a view render failure if item is null.

<p>The item name is: {{item?.name}}</p>

If item is null, the view still renders but the displayed value is blank; you see only "The item name is:" with nothing after it.

Consider the next example, with a nullItem.

The null item name is {{nullItem.name}}

Since there is no safe navigation operator and nullItem is null, JavaScript and Angular would throw a null reference error and break the rendering process of Angular:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null.

Sometimes however, null values in the property path may be OK under certain circumstances, especially when the value starts out null but the data arrives eventually.

With the safe navigation operator, ?, Angular stops evaluating the expression when it hits the first null value and renders the view without errors.

It works perfectly with long property paths such as a?.b?.c?.d.

The non-null assertion operator ( ! )

As of Typescript 2.0, you can enforce strict null checking with the --strictNullChecks flag. TypeScript then ensures that no variable is unintentionally null or undefined.

In this mode, typed variables disallow null and undefined by default. The type checker throws an error if you leave a variable unassigned or try to assign null or undefined to a variable whose type disallows null and undefined.

The type checker also throws an error if it can't determine whether a variable will be null or undefined at runtime. You tell the type checker not to throw an error by applying the postfix non-null assertion operator, !.

The Angular non-null assertion operator, !, serves the same purpose in an Angular template. For example, you can assert that item properties are also defined.

<!-- Assert color is defined, even if according to the `Item` type it could be undefined. -->
<p>The item's color is: {{item.color!.toUpperCase()}}</p>

When the Angular compiler turns your template into TypeScript code, it prevents TypeScript from reporting that item.color might be null or undefined.

Unlike the safe navigation operator, the non-null assertion operator does not guard against null or undefined. Rather, it tells the TypeScript type checker to suspend strict null checks for a specific property expression.

The non-null assertion operator, !, is optional with the exception that you must use it when you turn on strict null checks.

The $any() type cast function

Sometimes a binding expression triggers a type error during AOT compilation and it is not possible or difficult to fully specify the type. To silence the error, you can use the $any() cast function to cast the expression to the any type as in the following example:

<p>The item's undeclared best by date is: {{$any(item).bestByDate}}</p>

When the Angular compiler turns this template into TypeScript code, it prevents TypeScript from reporting that bestByDate is not a member of the item object when it runs type checking on the template.

The $any() cast function also works with this to allow access to undeclared members of the component.

<p>The item's undeclared best by date is: {{$any(this).bestByDate}}</p>

The $any() cast function works anywhere in a binding expression where a method call is valid.

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