ng generate

Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic.

ng generate <schematic> [options]

ng g <schematic> [options]


Argument Description

The schematic or collection:schematic to generate.

This option can take one of the following sub-commands:


Option Description

When true, disables interactive input prompts for options with a default.


When true, runs through and reports activity without writing out results.

Default: false

Aliases: -d


When true, forces overwriting of existing files.

Default: false

Aliases: -f

--help= true|false|json|JSON

Shows a help message for this command in the console.

Default: false


When false, disables interactive input prompts.

Schematic commands


ng generate appShell [options]

ng g appShell [options]

Generates an app shell for running a server-side version of an app.


Option Description

The name of the application directory.

Default: app


The app ID to use in withServerTransition().

Default: serverApp


The name of the related client app.


The name of the main entry-point file.

Default: main.server.ts

--rootModuleClassName= rootModuleClassName

The name of the root module class.

Default: AppServerModule

--rootModuleFileName= rootModuleFileName

The name of the root module file

Default: app.server.module.ts


Route path used to produce the app shell.

Default: shell

--tsconfigFileName= tsconfigFileName

Deprecated: This option has no effect.

The name of the TypeScript configuration file.

Default: tsconfig.server


ng generate application <name> [options]

ng g application <name> [options]

Generates a new basic app definition in the "projects" subfolder of the workspace.


Argument Description

The name of the new app.


Option Description

When true, includes styles inline in the root component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline. Default is false, meaning that an external styles file is created and referenced in the root component.ts file.

Default: false

Aliases: -s


When true, includes template inline in the root component.ts file. Default is false, meaning that an external template file is created and referenced in the root component.ts file.

Default: false

Aliases: -t


Add support for legacy browsers like Internet Explorer using differential loading.

Default: false


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the application.

Default: false


When true, creates a bare-bones project without any testing frameworks. (Use for learning purposes only.)

Default: false


A prefix to apply to generated selectors.

Default: app

Aliases: -p


When true, creates a routing NgModule.

Default: false


Skip installing dependency packages.

Default: false


When true, does not add dependencies to the "package.json" file.

Default: false


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the app.

Default: false

Aliases: -S


Creates an application with stricter build optimization options.

Default: false

--style= css|scss|sass|less|styl

The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files.

Default: css

--viewEncapsulation= Emulated|Native|None|ShadowDom

The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new app.


ng generate class <name> [options]

ng g class <name> [options]

Creates a new generic class definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the new class.


Option Description

When true, applies lint fixes after generating the class.

Default: false


The name of the project.


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new class.

Default: false


Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name.type.ts".



ng generate component <name> [options]

ng g component <name> [options]

Creates a new generic component definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the component.


Option Description

The change detection strategy to use in the new component.

Default: Default

Aliases: -c


Specifies if the style will contain :host { display: block; }.

Default: false

Aliases: -b


Deprecated: Since version 9.0.0 with Ivy, entryComponents is no longer necessary.

When true, the new component is the entry component of the declaring NgModule.

Default: false


When true, the declaring NgModule exports this component.

Default: false


When true, creates the new files at the top level of the current project.

Default: false


When true, includes styles inline in the component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline. By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component.ts file.

Default: false

Aliases: -s


When true, includes template inline in the component.ts file. By default, an external template file is created and referenced in the component.ts file.

Default: false

Aliases: -t


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the component.

Default: false


The declaring NgModule.

Aliases: -m


The prefix to apply to the generated component selector.

Aliases: -p


The name of the project.


The HTML selector to use for this component.


When true, does not import this component into the owning NgModule.

Default: false


Specifies if the component should have a selector or not.

Default: false


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new component.

Default: false

--style= css|scss|sass|less|styl

The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files.

Default: css


Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name.type.ts".

Default: Component

--viewEncapsulation= Emulated|Native|None|ShadowDom

The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component.

Aliases: -v


ng generate directive <name> [options]

ng g directive <name> [options]

Creates a new generic directive definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the new directive.


Option Description

When true, the declaring NgModule exports this directive.

Default: false


When true (the default), creates the new files at the top level of the current project.

Default: true


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the directive.

Default: false


The declaring NgModule.

Aliases: -m


A prefix to apply to generated selectors.

Aliases: -p


The name of the project.


The HTML selector to use for this directive.


When true, does not import this directive into the owning NgModule.

Default: false


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new class.

Default: false


ng generate enum <name> [options]

ng g enum <name> [options]

Generates a new, generic enum definition for the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the enum.


Option Description

When true, applies lint fixes after generating the enum.

Default: false


The name of the project in which to create the enum. Default is the configured default project for the workspace.


ng generate guard <name> [options]

ng g guard <name> [options]

Generates a new, generic route guard definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the new route guard.


Option Description

When true (the default), creates the new files at the top level of the current project.

Default: true


Specifies which interfaces to implement.


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the guard.

Default: false


The name of the project.


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new guard.

Default: false


ng generate interceptor <name> [options]

ng g interceptor <name> [options]

Creates a new, generic interceptor definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the interceptor.


Option Description

When true (the default), creates files at the top level of the project.

Default: true


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the interceptor.

Default: false


The name of the project.


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new interceptor.

Default: false


ng generate interface <name> <type> [options]

ng g interface <name> <type> [options]

Creates a new generic interface definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the interface.


Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name.type.ts".


Option Description

When true, applies lint fixes after generating the interface.

Default: false


A prefix to apply to generated selectors.



The name of the project.


ng generate library <name> [options]

ng g library <name> [options]

Creates a new generic library project in the current workspace.


Argument Description

The name of the library.


Option Description

The path at which to create the library's public API file, relative to the workspace root.

Default: public-api


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the library.

Default: false


A prefix to apply to generated selectors.

Default: lib

Aliases: -p


When true, does not install dependency packages.

Default: false


When true, does not add dependencies to the "package.json" file.

Default: false


When true, does not update "tsconfig.json" to add a path mapping for the new library. The path mapping is needed to use the library in an app, but can be disabled here to simplify development.

Default: false


ng generate module <name> [options]

ng g module <name> [options]

Creates a new generic NgModule definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the NgModule.


Option Description

When true, creates the new files at the top level of the current project root.

Default: false


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the module.

Default: false


The declaring NgModule.

Aliases: -m


The name of the project.


The route path for a lazy-loaded module. When supplied, creates a component in the new module, and adds the route to that component in the Routes array declared in the module provided in the --module option.


When true, creates a routing module.

Default: false


The scope for the new routing module.

Default: Child


ng generate pipe <name> [options]

ng g pipe <name> [options]

Creates a new generic pipe definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the pipe.


Option Description

When true, the declaring NgModule exports this pipe.

Default: false


When true (the default) creates files at the top level of the project.

Default: true


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the pipe.

Default: false


The declaring NgModule.

Aliases: -m


The name of the project.


When true, does not import this pipe into the owning NgModule.

Default: false


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new pipe.

Default: false


ng generate service <name> [options]

ng g service <name> [options]

Creates a new, generic service definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the service.


Option Description

When true (the default), creates files at the top level of the project.

Default: true


When true, applies lint fixes after generating the service.

Default: false


The name of the project.


When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the new service.

Default: false


ng generate serviceWorker [options]

ng g serviceWorker [options]

Pass this schematic to the "run" command to create a service worker


Option Description

The configuration to apply service worker to.

Default: production


The name of the project.


The target to apply service worker to.

Default: build


ng generate webWorker <name> [options]

ng g webWorker <name> [options]

Creates a new generic web worker definition in the given or default project.


Argument Description

The name of the worker.


Option Description

The name of the project.


Add a worker creation snippet in a sibling file of the same name.

Default: true


The target to apply web worker to.

Default: build

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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.