
class GuardAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProviderInterface

Responsible for accepting the PreAuthenticationGuardToken and calling the correct authenticator to retrieve the authenticated token.


__construct(iterable|GuardAuthenticatorInterface[] $guardAuthenticators, UserProviderInterface $userProvider, string $providerKey, UserCheckerInterface $userChecker)
TokenInterface authenticate(TokenInterface $token)

Finds the correct authenticator for the token and calls it.

bool supports(TokenInterface $token)

Checks whether this provider supports the given token.


__construct(iterable|GuardAuthenticatorInterface[] $guardAuthenticators, UserProviderInterface $userProvider, string $providerKey, UserCheckerInterface $userChecker)


iterable|GuardAuthenticatorInterface[] $guardAuthenticators The authenticators, with keys that match what's passed to GuardAuthenticationListener
UserProviderInterface $userProvider The user provider
string $providerKey The provider (i.e. firewall) key
UserCheckerInterface $userChecker

TokenInterface authenticate(TokenInterface $token)

Finds the correct authenticator for the token and calls it.


TokenInterface $token The TokenInterface instance to authenticate

Return Value

TokenInterface An authenticated TokenInterface instance, never null

bool supports(TokenInterface $token)

Checks whether this provider supports the given token.


TokenInterface $token A TokenInterface instance

Return Value

bool true if the implementation supports the Token, false otherwise