
interface FormDataCollectorInterface implements DataCollectorInterface

Collects and structures information about forms.


collect(Request $request, Response $response, Exception $exception = null)

Collects data for the given Request and Response.

from DataCollectorInterface
string getName()

Returns the name of the collector.

from DataCollectorInterface
collectConfiguration(FormInterface $form)

Stores configuration data of the given form and its children.

collectDefaultData(FormInterface $form)

Stores the default data of the given form and its children.

collectSubmittedData(FormInterface $form)

Stores the submitted data of the given form and its children.

collectViewVariables(FormView $view)

Stores the view variables of the given form view and its children.

associateFormWithView(FormInterface $form, FormView $view)

Specifies that the given objects represent the same conceptual form.

buildPreliminaryFormTree(FormInterface $form)

Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.

buildFinalFormTree(FormInterface $form, FormView $view)

Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.

array getData()

Returns all collected data.


collect(Request $request, Response $response, Exception $exception = null)

Collects data for the given Request and Response.


Request $request
Response $response
Exception $exception

string getName()

Returns the name of the collector.

Return Value

string The collector name

collectConfiguration(FormInterface $form)

Stores configuration data of the given form and its children.


FormInterface $form

collectDefaultData(FormInterface $form)

Stores the default data of the given form and its children.


FormInterface $form

collectSubmittedData(FormInterface $form)

Stores the submitted data of the given form and its children.


FormInterface $form

collectViewVariables(FormView $view)

Stores the view variables of the given form view and its children.


FormView $view

associateFormWithView(FormInterface $form, FormView $view)

Specifies that the given objects represent the same conceptual form.


FormInterface $form
FormView $view

buildPreliminaryFormTree(FormInterface $form)

Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.

The result can be queried using {@link getData()}.


FormInterface $form

buildFinalFormTree(FormInterface $form, FormView $view)

Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.

The result can be queried using {@link getData()}.

Contrary to {@link buildPreliminaryFormTree()}, a {@link FormView} object has to be passed. The tree structure of this view object will be used for structuring the resulting data. That means, if a child is present in the view, but not in the form, it will be present in the final data array anyway.

When {@link FormView} instances are present in the view tree, for which no corresponding {@link FormInterface} objects can be found in the form tree, only the view data will be included in the result. If a corresponding {@link FormInterface} exists otherwise, call {@link associateFormWithView()} before calling this method.


FormInterface $form
FormView $view

array getData()

Returns all collected data.

Return Value
