
WITH RECURSIVE common-table-expression , SELECT DISTINCT result-column , ALL FROM table-or-subquery , WHERE expr GROUP BY expr HAVING expr , WINDOW window-name AS window-defn , VALUES ( expr ) , , compound-operator select-core ORDER BY LIMIT expr ordering-term , OFFSET expr , expr

Used by: common-table-expression create-table-stmt create-trigger-stmt create-view-stmt expr insert-stmt sql-stmt table-or-subquery with-clause
References: common-table-expression compound-operator expr ordering-term result-column table-or-subquery
See also: lang_aggfunc.html lang_altertable.html lang_attach.html lang_createindex.html lang_createtable.html lang_createtrigger.html lang_createview.html lang_delete.html lang_expr.html lang_insert.html lang_returning.html lang_select.html lang_update.html lang_upsert.html lang_with.html partialindex.html

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