
literal-value bind-parameter schema-name . table-name . column-name unary-operator expr expr binary-operator expr function-name ( DISTINCT expr ) filter-clause over-clause , * ( expr ) , CAST ( expr AS type-name ) expr COLLATE collation-name expr NOT LIKE GLOB REGEXP MATCH expr ESCAPE expr expr ISNULL NOTNULL NOT NULL expr IS NOT expr expr NOT BETWEEN expr AND expr expr NOT IN ( select-stmt ) expr , schema-name . table-function ( expr ) table-name , NOT EXISTS ( select-stmt ) CASE expr WHEN expr THEN expr ELSE expr END raise-function

Used by: aggregate-function-invocation attach-stmt column-constraint compound-select-stmt create-index-stmt create-trigger-stmt delete-stmt delete-stmt-limited factored-select-stmt filter-clause frame-spec indexed-column insert-stmt join-constraint ordering-term over-clause result-column returning-clause select-core select-stmt simple-function-invocation simple-select-stmt table-constraint table-or-subquery update-stmt update-stmt-limited upsert-clause window-defn window-function-invocation
References: filter-clause literal-value over-clause raise-function select-stmt type-name
See also: lang_aggfunc.html lang_altertable.html lang_attach.html lang_createindex.html lang_createtable.html lang_createtrigger.html lang_createview.html lang_delete.html lang_expr.html lang_insert.html lang_returning.html lang_select.html lang_update.html lang_upsert.html lang_with.html partialindex.html

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