Tkinter Dialogs
tkinter.simpledialog — Standard Tkinter input dialogs
Source code: Lib/tkinter/
The tkinter.simpledialog
module contains convenience classes and functions for creating simple modal dialogs to get a value from the user.
tkinter.simpledialog.askfloat(title, prompt, **kw)
tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger(title, prompt, **kw)
tkinter.simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt, **kw)
The above three functions provide dialogs that prompt the user to enter a value of the desired type.
class tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog(parent, title=None)
The base class for custom dialogs.
Override to construct the dialog’s interface and return the widget that should have initial focus.
Default behaviour adds OK and Cancel buttons. Override for custom button layouts.
tkinter.filedialog — File selection dialogs
Source code: Lib/tkinter/
The tkinter.filedialog
module provides classes and factory functions for creating file/directory selection windows.
Native Load/Save Dialogs
The following classes and functions provide file dialog windows that combine a native look-and-feel with configuration options to customize behaviour. The following keyword arguments are applicable to the classes and functions listed below:
Static factory functions
The below functions when called create a modal, native look-and-feel dialog, wait for the user’s selection, then return the selected value(s) or None
to the caller.
tkinter.filedialog.askopenfile(mode="r", **options)
tkinter.filedialog.askopenfiles(mode="r", **options)
The above two functions create an
dialog and return the opened file object(s) in read-only mode.
tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode="w", **options)
Create a
dialog and return a file object opened in write-only mode.
The above two functions create an
dialog and return the selected filename(s) that correspond to existing file(s).
Create a
dialog and return the selected filename.
class tkinter.filedialog.Open(master=None, **options)
class tkinter.filedialog.SaveAs(master=None, **options)
The above two classes provide native dialog windows for saving and loading files.
Convenience classes
The below classes are used for creating file/directory windows from scratch. These do not emulate the native look-and-feel of the platform.
class tkinter.filedialog.Directory(master=None, **options)
Create a dialog prompting the user to select a directory.
The FileDialog class should be subclassed for custom event handling and behaviour.
class tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog(master, title=None)
Create a basic file selection dialog.
Trigger the termination of the dialog window.
Event handler for double-click event on directory.
Event handler for click event on directory.
Event handler for double-click event on file.
Event handler for single-click event on file.
Filter the files by directory.
Retrieve the file filter currently in use.
Retrieve the currently selected item.
go(dir_or_file=os.curdir, pattern="*", default="", key=None)
Render dialog and start event loop.
Exit dialog returning current selection.
Exit dialog returning filename, if any.
set_filter(dir, pat)
Set the file filter.
Update the current file selection to file.
class tkinter.filedialog.LoadFileDialog(master, title=None)
A subclass of FileDialog that creates a dialog window for selecting an existing file.
Test that a file is provided and that the selection indicates an already existing file.
class tkinter.filedialog.SaveFileDialog(master, title=None)
A subclass of FileDialog that creates a dialog window for selecting a destination file.
Test whether or not the selection points to a valid file that is not a directory. Confirmation is required if an already existing file is selected.
tkinter.commondialog — Dialog window templates
Source code: Lib/tkinter/
The tkinter.commondialog
module provides the Dialog
class that is the base class for dialogs defined in other supporting modules.
class tkinter.commondialog.Dialog(master=None, **options)
show(color=None, **options)
Render the Dialog window.
See also
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