Interface XMLEventWriter

All Superinterfaces:

public interface XMLEventWriter
extends XMLEventConsumer

This is the top level interface for writing XML documents. Instances of this interface are not required to validate the form of the XML.

See Also:
XMLEventReader, XMLEvent, Characters, ProcessingInstruction, StartElement, EndElement


Modifier and Type Method and Description
void add(XMLEvent event)

Add an event to the output stream Adding a START_ELEMENT will open a new namespace scope that will be closed when the corresponding END_ELEMENT is written.

void add(XMLEventReader reader)

Adds an entire stream to an output stream, calls next() on the inputStream argument until hasNext() returns false This should be treated as a convenience method that will perform the following loop over all the events in an event reader and call add on each event.

void close()

Frees any resources associated with this stream

void flush()

Writes any cached events to the underlying output mechanism

NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()

Returns the current namespace context.

String getPrefix(String uri)

Gets the prefix the uri is bound to

void setDefaultNamespace(String uri)

Binds a URI to the default namespace This URI is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair.

void setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext context)

Sets the current namespace context for prefix and uri bindings.

void setPrefix(String prefix, String uri)

Sets the prefix the uri is bound to.



void flush()
    throws XMLStreamException

Writes any cached events to the underlying output mechanism



void close()
    throws XMLStreamException

Frees any resources associated with this stream



void add(XMLEvent event)
  throws XMLStreamException

Add an event to the output stream Adding a START_ELEMENT will open a new namespace scope that will be closed when the corresponding END_ELEMENT is written.

Required and optional fields for events added to the writer
Event Type Required Fields Optional Fields Required Behavior
START_ELEMENT QName name namespaces , attributes A START_ELEMENT will be written by writing the name, namespaces, and attributes of the event in XML 1.0 valid syntax for START_ELEMENTs. The name is written by looking up the prefix for the namespace uri. The writer can be configured to respect prefixes of QNames. If the writer is respecting prefixes it must use the prefix set on the QName. The default behavior is to lookup the value for the prefix on the EventWriter's internal namespace context. Each attribute (if any) is written using the behavior specified in the attribute section of this table. Each namespace (if any) is written using the behavior specified in the namespace section of this table.
END_ELEMENT Qname name None A well formed END_ELEMENT tag is written. The name is written by looking up the prefix for the namespace uri. The writer can be configured to respect prefixes of QNames. If the writer is respecting prefixes it must use the prefix set on the QName. The default behavior is to lookup the value for the prefix on the EventWriter's internal namespace context. If the END_ELEMENT name does not match the START_ELEMENT name an XMLStreamException is thrown.
ATTRIBUTE QName name , String value QName type An attribute is written using the same algorithm to find the lexical form as used in START_ELEMENT. The default is to use double quotes to wrap attribute values and to escape any double quotes found in the value. The type value is ignored.
NAMESPACE String prefix, String namespaceURI, boolean isDefaultNamespaceDeclaration None A namespace declaration is written. If the namespace is a default namespace declaration (isDefault is true) then xmlns="$namespaceURI" is written and the prefix is optional. If isDefault is false, the prefix must be declared and the writer must prepend xmlns to the prefix and write out a standard prefix declaration.
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION None String target, String data The data does not need to be present and may be null. Target is required and many not be null. The writer will write data section directly after the target, enclosed in appropriate XML 1.0 syntax
COMMENT None String comment If the comment is present (not null) it is written, otherwise an an empty comment is written
START_DOCUMENT None String encoding , boolean standalone, String version A START_DOCUMENT event is not required to be written to the stream. If present the attributes are written inside the appropriate XML declaration syntax
END_DOCUMENT None None Nothing is written to the output
DTD String DocumentTypeDefinition None The DocumentTypeDefinition is written to the output

Specified by:
add in interface XMLEventConsumer
event - the event to be added


void add(XMLEventReader reader)
  throws XMLStreamException

Adds an entire stream to an output stream, calls next() on the inputStream argument until hasNext() returns false This should be treated as a convenience method that will perform the following loop over all the events in an event reader and call add on each event.

reader - the event stream to add to the output


String getPrefix(String uri)
          throws XMLStreamException

Gets the prefix the uri is bound to

uri - the uri to look up


void setPrefix(String prefix,
               String uri)
        throws XMLStreamException

Sets the prefix the uri is bound to. This prefix is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair. If this method is called before a START_ELEMENT has been written the prefix is bound in the root scope.

prefix - the prefix to bind to the uri
uri - the uri to bind to the prefix


void setDefaultNamespace(String uri)
                  throws XMLStreamException

Binds a URI to the default namespace This URI is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair. If this method is called before a START_ELEMENT has been written the uri is bound in the root scope.

uri - the uri to bind to the default namespace


void setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext context)
                  throws XMLStreamException

Sets the current namespace context for prefix and uri bindings. This context becomes the root namespace context for writing and will replace the current root namespace context. Subsequent calls to setPrefix and setDefaultNamespace will bind namespaces using the context passed to the method as the root context for resolving namespaces.

context - the namespace context to use for this writer


NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()

Returns the current namespace context.

the current namespace context

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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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