inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (T, acc: S) -> S ): S?
inline fun ByteArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte ): Byte?
inline fun ShortArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Short, acc: Short) -> Short ): Short?
inline fun IntArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Int, acc: Int) -> Int ): Int?
inline fun LongArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Long, acc: Long) -> Long ): Long?
inline fun FloatArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Float, acc: Float) -> Float ): Float?
inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Double, acc: Double) -> Double ): Double?
inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean ): Boolean?
inline fun CharArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (Char, acc: Char) -> Char ): Char?
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes inline fun UIntArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (UInt, acc: UInt) -> UInt ): UInt?
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes inline fun ULongArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (ULong, acc: ULong) -> ULong ): ULong?
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes inline fun UByteArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (UByte, acc: UByte) -> UByte ): UByte?
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes inline fun UShortArray.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (UShort, acc: UShort) -> UShort ): UShort?
Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.
Returns null
if the array is empty.
import kotlin.test.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
println(strings.reduceRightOrNull { string, acc -> acc + string }) // dcba
println(strings.reduceRightIndexedOrNull { index, string, acc -> acc + string + index }) // dc2b1a0
println(emptyList<String>().reduceRightOrNull { _, _ -> "" }) // null
- function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.
inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRightOrNull( operation: (T, acc: S) -> S ): S?
Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.
Returns null
if the list is empty.
import kotlin.test.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
println(strings.reduceRightOrNull { string, acc -> acc + string }) // dcba
println(strings.reduceRightIndexedOrNull { index, string, acc -> acc + string + index }) // dc2b1a0
println(emptyList<String>().reduceRightOrNull { _, _ -> "" }) // null
- function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.
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