Command-line Options
The following is a complete list of command-line switches available when launching julia:
Switch | Description |
-v , --version
Display version information |
-h , --help
Print command-line options (this message). |
--project[={<dir>|@.}] |
Set <dir> as the home project/environment. The default @. option will search through parent directories until a Project.toml or JuliaProject.toml file is found. |
-J , --sysimage <file>
Start up with the given system image file |
-H , --home <dir>
Set location of julia executable |
--startup-file={yes|no} |
Load ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
--handle-signals={yes|no} |
Enable or disable Julia's default signal handlers |
--sysimage-native-code={yes|no} |
Use native code from system image if available |
--compiled-modules={yes|no} |
Enable or disable incremental precompilation of modules |
-e , --eval <expr>
Evaluate <expr>
-E , --print <expr>
Evaluate <expr> and display the result |
-L , --load <file>
Load <file> immediately on all processors |
-t , --threads {N|auto } |
Enable N threads; auto currently sets N to the number of local CPU threads but this might change in the future |
-p , --procs {N|auto } |
Integer value N launches N additional local worker processes; auto launches as many workers as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores) |
--machine-file <file> |
Run processes on hosts listed in <file>
-i |
Interactive mode; REPL runs and isinteractive() is true |
-q , --quiet
Quiet startup: no banner, suppress REPL warnings |
--banner={yes|no|auto} |
Enable or disable startup banner |
--color={yes|no|auto} |
Enable or disable color text |
--history-file={yes|no} |
Load or save history |
--depwarn={yes|no|error} |
Enable or disable syntax and method deprecation warnings (error turns warnings into errors) |
--warn-overwrite={yes|no} |
Enable or disable method overwrite warnings |
-C , --cpu-target <target>
Limit usage of CPU features up to <target> ; set to help to see the available options |
-O , --optimize={0,1,2,3}
Set the optimization level (default level is 2 if unspecified or 3 if used without a level) |
-g , -g <level>
Enable / Set the level of debug info generation (default level is 1 if unspecified or 2 if used without a level) |
--inline={yes|no} |
Control whether inlining is permitted, including overriding @inline declarations |
--check-bounds={yes|no} |
Emit bounds checks always or never (ignoring declarations) |
--math-mode={ieee,fast} |
Disallow or enable unsafe floating point optimizations (overrides @fastmath declaration) |
--code-coverage={none|user|all} |
Count executions of source lines |
--code-coverage |
equivalent to --code-coverage=user
--track-allocation={none|user|all} |
Count bytes allocated by each source line |
--track-allocation |
equivalent to --track-allocation=user
In Julia 1.0, the default --project=@.
option did not search up from the root directory of a Git repository for the Project.toml
file. From Julia 1.1 forward, it does.
© 2009–2021 Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah, and other contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.