
The hash() function is an important part of how Immutable determines if two values are equivalent and is used to determine how to store those values. Provided with any value, hash() will return a 31-bit integer.

hash(value: unknown): number


When designing Objects which may be equal, it's important that when a .equals() method returns true, that both values .hashCode() method return the same value. hash() may be used to produce those values.

For non-Immutable Objects that do not provide a .hashCode() functions (including plain Objects, plain Arrays, Date objects, etc), a unique hash value will be created for each instance. That is, the create hash represents referential equality, and not value equality for Objects. This ensures that if that Object is mutated over time that its hash code will remain consistent, allowing Objects to be used as keys and values in Immutable.js collections.

Note that hash() attempts to balance between speed and avoiding collisions, however it makes no attempt to produce secure hashes.

New in Version 4.0

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© 2014–present, Lee Byron and other contributors
Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License.