Class PromiseProxyMixin

Defined in: packages/ember-runtime/lib/mixins/promise_proxy.js:39
Module: @ember/object

isFulfilled public

Module: @ember/object

Will become true if the proxied promise is fulfilled.

isPending public

Module: @ember/object

Once the proxied promise has settled this will become false.

isRejected public

Module: @ember/object

Will become true if the proxied promise is rejected.

isSettled public

Module: @ember/object

Once the proxied promise has settled this will become true.

promise public

Module: @ember/object

The promise whose fulfillment value is being proxied by this object.

This property must be specified upon creation, and should not be changed once created.


  promise: <thenable>

reason public

Module: @ember/object

If the proxied promise is rejected this will contain the reason provided.

© 2020 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
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