docker plugin inspect
Display detailed information on one or more plugins
API 1.25+ The client and daemon API must both be at least 1.25 to use this command. Use the docker version
command on the client to check your client and daemon API versions.
docker plugin inspect [OPTIONS] PLUGIN [PLUGIN...]
Name, shorthand | Default | Description |
--format , -f |
Format the output using the given Go template |
Parent command
Command | Description |
docker plugin | Manage plugins |
Related commands
Command | Description |
docker plugin create | Create a plugin from a rootfs and configuration. Plugin data directory must contain config.json and rootfs directory. |
docker plugin disable | Disable a plugin |
docker plugin enable | Enable a plugin |
docker plugin inspect | Display detailed information on one or more plugins |
docker plugin install | Install a plugin |
docker plugin ls | List plugins |
docker plugin push | Push a plugin to a registry |
docker plugin rm | Remove one or more plugins |
docker plugin set | Change settings for a plugin |
docker plugin upgrade | Upgrade an existing plugin |
Extended description
Returns information about a plugin. By default, this command renders all results in a JSON array.
$ docker plugin inspect tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest { "Id": "8c74c978c434745c3ade82f1bc0acf38d04990eaf494fa507c16d9f1daa99c21", "Name": "tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest", "PluginReference": "tiborvas/sample-volume-plugin:latest", "Enabled": true, "Config": { "Mounts": [ { "Name": "", "Description": "", "Settable": null, "Source": "/data", "Destination": "/data", "Type": "bind", "Options": [ "shared", "rbind" ] }, { "Name": "", "Description": "", "Settable": null, "Source": null, "Destination": "/foobar", "Type": "tmpfs", "Options": null } ], "Env": [ "DEBUG=1" ], "Args": null, "Devices": null }, "Manifest": { "ManifestVersion": "v0", "Description": "A test plugin for Docker", "Documentation": "", "Interface": { "Types": [ "docker.volumedriver/1.0" ], "Socket": "plugins.sock" }, "Entrypoint": [ "plugin-sample-volume-plugin", "/data" ], "Workdir": "", "User": { }, "Network": { "Type": "host" }, "Capabilities": null, "Mounts": [ { "Name": "", "Description": "", "Settable": null, "Source": "/data", "Destination": "/data", "Type": "bind", "Options": [ "shared", "rbind" ] }, { "Name": "", "Description": "", "Settable": null, "Source": null, "Destination": "/foobar", "Type": "tmpfs", "Options": null } ], "Devices": [ { "Name": "device", "Description": "a host device to mount", "Settable": null, "Path": "/dev/cpu_dma_latency" } ], "Env": [ { "Name": "DEBUG", "Description": "If set, prints debug messages", "Settable": null, "Value": "1" } ], "Args": { "Name": "args", "Description": "command line arguments", "Settable": null, "Value": [ ] } } }
(output formatted for readability)
Formatting the output
$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{.Id}}' tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest
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