docker-compose build

Usage: build [options] [--build-arg key=val...] [SERVICE...]

    --compress              Compress the build context using gzip.
    --force-rm              Always remove intermediate containers.
    --no-cache              Do not use cache when building the image.
    --pull                  Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image.
    -m, --memory MEM        Sets memory limit for the build container.
    --build-arg key=val     Set build-time variables for services.
    --parallel              Build images in parallel.

Services are built once and then tagged, by default as project_service. For example, composetest_db. If the Compose file specifies an image name, the image is tagged with that name, substituting any variables beforehand. See variable substitution.

If you change a service’s Dockerfile or the contents of its build directory, run docker-compose build to rebuild it.

fig, composition, compose, docker, orchestration, cli, build

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