docker stack deploy (experimental)

The functionality described on this page is marked as Experimental, and as such, may change before it becomes generally available.

Usage:  docker stack deploy [OPTIONS] STACK

Create and update a stack from a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB)

  deploy, up

      --file   string   Path to a Distributed Application Bundle file (Default: STACK.dab)
      --help            Print usage

Create and update a stack from a dab file on the swarm. This command has to be run targeting a manager node.

$ docker stack deploy vossibility-stack
Loading bundle from vossibility-stack.dab
Creating service vossibility-stack_elasticsearch
Creating service vossibility-stack_kibana
Creating service vossibility-stack_logstash
Creating service vossibility-stack_lookupd
Creating service vossibility-stack_nsqd
Creating service vossibility-stack_vossibility-collector

You can verify that the services were correctly created:

$ docker service ls
ID            NAME                                     REPLICAS  IMAGE
29bv0vnlm903  vossibility-stack_lookupd                1 nsqio/nsq@sha256:eeba05599f31eba418e96e71e0984c3dc96963ceb66924dd37a47bf7ce18a662 /nsqlookupd
4awt47624qwh  vossibility-stack_nsqd                   1 nsqio/nsq@sha256:eeba05599f31eba418e96e71e0984c3dc96963ceb66924dd37a47bf7ce18a662 /nsqd --data-path=/data --lookupd-tcp-address=lookupd:4160
4tjx9biia6fs  vossibility-stack_elasticsearch          1 elasticsearch@sha256:12ac7c6af55d001f71800b83ba91a04f716e58d82e748fa6e5a7359eed2301aa
7563uuzr9eys  vossibility-stack_kibana                 1 kibana@sha256:6995a2d25709a62694a937b8a529ff36da92ebee74bafd7bf00e6caf6db2eb03
9gc5m4met4he  vossibility-stack_logstash               1 logstash@sha256:2dc8bddd1bb4a5a34e8ebaf73749f6413c101b2edef6617f2f7713926d2141fe logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf
axqh55ipl40h  vossibility-stack_vossibility-collector  1 icecrime/vossibility-collector@sha256:f03f2977203ba6253988c18d04061c5ec7aab46bca9dfd89a9a1fa4500989fba --config /config/config.toml --debug

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